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Jitsi Meet on Docker

Jitsi is a set of Open Source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure videoconferencing solutions.

Jitsi Meet is a fully encrypted, 100% Open Source video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, for free — with no account needed.

This repository contains the necessary tools to run a Jitsi Meet stack on Docker using Docker Compose.

Table of contents

Quick start

In order to quickly run Jitsi Meet on a machine running Docker and Docker Compose, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to your computer.
    • git clone && cd docker-jitsi-meet
  • Create a .env file by copying and adjusting env.example
    • cp env.example .env
    • Set strong passwords in the security section options: ./
  • Create required CONFIG directories
    • mkdir -p ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web/letsencrypt,transcripts,prosody,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}
  • Run docker-compose up -d.
  • Access the web UI at https://localhost:8443 (or a different port, in case you edited the compose file).

Note that HTTP (not HTTPS) is also available (on port 8000, by default), but that's e.g. for a reverse proxy setup; direct access via HTTP instead HTTPS leads to WebRTC errors such as Failed to access your microphone/camera: Cannot use microphone/camera for an unknown reason. Cannot read property 'getUserMedia' of undefined or navigator.mediaDevices is undefined.

If you want to use jigasi too, first configure your env file with SIP credentials and then run Docker Compose as follows: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jigasi.yml up

If you want to enable document sharing via Etherpad, configure it and run Docker Compose as follows: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f etherpad.yml up

If you want to use jibri too, first configure a host as described in JItsi BRoadcasting Infrastructure configuration section and then run Docker Compose as follows: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jibri.yml up -d or to use jigasi too: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jigasi.yml -f jibri.yml up -d

Security note

This setup used to have default passwords for intetrnal accounts used across components. In order to make the default setup secure by default these have been removed and the respective containers won't start without having a password set.

Strong passwordds may be generated as follows: ./ This will modify your .env file (a backup is saved in .env.bak) and set strong passwords for each of the require options. Passwords are generated using openssl rand -hex 16 .

DO NOT reuse any of the passwords.


A Jitsi Meet installation can be broken down into the following components:

  • A web interface
  • An XMPP server
  • A conference focus component
  • A video router (could be more than one)
  • A SIP gateway for audio calls
  • A Broadcasting Infrastructure for recording or streaming a conference.

The diagram shows a typical deployment in a host running Docker. This project separates each of the components above into interlinked containers. To this end, several container images are provided.

External Ports

The following external ports must be opened on a firewall:

  • 80/tcp for Web UI HTTP (really just to redirect, after uncommenting ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT=1 in .env)
  • 443/tcp for Web UI HTTPS
  • 4443/tcp for RTP media over TCP
  • 10000/udp for RTP media over UDP

Also 20000-20050/udp for jigasi, in case you choose to deploy that to facilitate SIP access.

E.g. on a CentOS/Fedora server this would be done like this (without SIP access):

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=4443/tcp
    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10000/udp
    $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload


  • base: Debian stable base image with the S6 Overlay for process control and the Jitsi repositories enabled. All other images are based on this one.
  • base-java: Same as the above, plus Java (OpenJDK).
  • web: Jitsi Meet web UI, served with nginx.
  • prosody: Prosody, the XMPP server.
  • jicofo: Jicofo, the XMPP focus component.
  • jvb: Jitsi Videobridge, the video router.
  • jigasi: Jigasi, the SIP (audio only) gateway.
  • etherpad: Etherpad, shared document editing addon.
  • jibri: Jibri, the broadcasting infrastructure.

Design considerations

Jitsi Meet uses XMPP for signaling, thus the need for the XMPP server. The setup provided by these containers does not expose the XMPP server to the outside world. Instead, it's kept completely sealed, and routing of XMPP traffic only happens on a user-defined network.

The XMPP server can be exposed to the outside world, but that's out of the scope of this project.


The configuration is performed via environment variables contained in a .env file. You can copy the provided env.example file as a reference.

IMPORTANT: At the moment, the configuration is not regenerated on every container boot, so if you make any changes to your .env file, make sure you remove the configuration directory before starting your containers again.

Variable Description Example
CONFIG Directory where all configuration will be stored /opt/jitsi-meet-cfg
TZ System Time Zone Europe/Amsterdam
HTTP_PORT Exposed port for HTTP traffic 8000
HTTPS_PORT Exposed port for HTTPS traffic 8443
DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS IP address of the Docker host, needed for LAN environments
PUBLIC_URL Public URL for the web service

NOTE: The mobile apps won't work with self-signed certificates (the default) see below for instructions on how to obtain a proper certificate with Let's Encrypt.

Let's Encrypt configuration

If you plan on exposing this container setup to the outside traffic directly and want a proper TLS certificate, you are in luck because Let's Encrypt support is built right in. Here are the required options:

Variable Description Example
ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT Enable Let's Encrypt certificate generation 1
LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN Domain for which to generate the certificate
LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL E-Mail for receiving important account notifications (mandatory) [email protected]

In addition, you will need to set HTTP_PORT to 80 and HTTPS_PORT to 443.

SIP gateway configuration

If you want to enable the SIP gateway, these options are required:

Variable Description Example
JIGASI_SIP_URI SIP URI for incoming / outgoing calls [email protected]
JIGASI_SIP_PASSWORD Password for the specified SIP account passw0rd
JIGASI_SIP_SERVER SIP server (use the SIP account domain if in doubt)
JIGASI_SIP_PORT SIP server port 5060

JItsi BRoadcasting Infrastructure (Jibri) configuration

Before running Jibri, you need to set up an ALSA loopback device on the host. This will not work on a non-Linux host.

For CentOS 7, the module is already compiled with the kernel, so just run:

# configure 5 capture/playback interfaces
echo "options snd-aloop enable=1,1,1,1,1 index=0,1,2,3,4" > /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-loopback.conf
# setup autoload the module
echo "snd_aloop" > /etc/modules-load.d/snd_aloop.conf
# load the module
modprobe snd-aloop
# check that the module is loaded
lsmod | grep snd_aloop

For Ubuntu:

# install the module
apt update && apt install linux-image-extra-virtual
# configure 5 capture/playback interfaces
echo "options snd-aloop enable=1,1,1,1,1 index=0,1,2,3,4" > /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-loopback.conf
# setup autoload the module
echo "snd-aloop" >> /etc/modules
# check that the module is loaded
lsmod | grep snd_aloop

NOTE: if you are running on AWS you may need to reboot your machine to use the generic kernel instead of the "aws" kernel. If after reboot, your machine is still using the "aws" kernel, you'll need to manually update the grub file. So just run

# open the grub file in editor
nano /etc/default/grub
# Modify the value of GRUB_DEFAULT from "0" to "1>2"
# Save and exit from file

# Update grub
# Reboot the machine
reboot now

If you want to enable Jibri these options are required:

Variable Description Example
ENABLE_RECORDING Enable recording conference to local disk 1

Extended Jibri configuration:

Variable Description Example
JIBRI_RECORDER_USER Internal recorder user for Jibri client connections recorder
JIBRI_RECORDER_PASSWORD Internal recorder password for Jibri client connections passw0rd
JIBRI_RECORDING_DIR Directory for recordings inside Jibri container /config/recordings
JIBRI_FINALIZE_RECORDING_SCRIPT_PATH The finalizing script. Will run after recording is complete /config/
JIBRI_XMPP_USER Internal user for Jibri client connections. jibri
JIBRI_RECORDER_PASSWORD Internal user for Jibri client connections passw0rd
JIBRI_STRIP_DOMAIN_JID Prefix domain for strip inside Jibri (please see env.example for details) muc
JIBRI_BREWERY_MUC MUC name for the Jibri pool jibribrewery
JIBRI_PENDING_TIMEOUT MUC connection timeout 90
JIBRI_LOGS_DIR Directory for logs inside Jibri container /config/logs

For using multiple Jibri instances, you have to select different loopback interfaces for each instance manually.

Set interface in file `/home/jibri/.asoundrc` inside a docker container.

Default the first instance has:

slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,0,0"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,0,1"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,1,1"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback,1,0"

For setup the second instance, run container with changed /home/jibri/.asoundrc:

slave.pcm "hw:Loopback_1,0,0"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback_1,0,1"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback_1,1,1"
slave.pcm "hw:Loopback_1,1,0"

Also you can use numbering id for set loopback interface. The third instance will have .asoundrc that looks like:

slave.pcm "hw:2,0,0"
slave.pcm "hw:2,0,1"
slave.pcm "hw:2,1,1"
slave.pcm "hw:2,1,0"


Authentication can be controlled with the environment variables below. If guest access is enabled, unauthenticated users will need to wait until a user authenticates before they can join a room. If guest access is not enabled, every user will need to authenticate before they can join.

Variable Description Example
ENABLE_AUTH Enable authentication 1
ENABLE_GUESTS Enable guest access 1
AUTH_TYPE Select authentication type (internal, jwt or ldap) internal

Internal authentication

The default authentication mode (internal) uses XMPP credentials to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to internal, then configure the settings you can see below.

Internal users must be created with the prosodyctl utility in the prosody container. In order to do that, first, execute a shell in the corresponding container:

docker-compose exec prosody /bin/bash

Once in the container, run the following command to create a user:

prosodyctl --config /config/prosody.cfg.lua register TheDesiredUsername meet.jitsi TheDesiredPassword

Note that the command produces no output.

Authentication using LDAP

You can use LDAP to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to ldap, then configure the settings you can see below.

Variable Description Example
LDAP_URL URL for ldap connection ldaps://
LDAP_BASE LDAP base DN. Can be empty. DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
LDAP_BINDDN LDAP user DN. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind. CN=binduser,OU=users,DC=example,DC=domain,DC=com
LDAP_BINDPW LDAP user password. Do not specify this parameter for the anonymous bind. LdapUserPassw0rd
LDAP_FILTER LDAP filter. (sAMAccountName=%u)
LDAP_AUTH_METHOD LDAP authentication method. bind
LDAP_VERSION LDAP protocol version 3
LDAP_TLS_CIPHERS Set TLS ciphers list to allow SECURE256:SECURE128
LDAP_TLS_CHECK_PEER Require and verify LDAP server certificate 1
LDAP_TLS_CACERT_FILE Path to CA cert file. Used when server certificate verification is enabled /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
LDAP_TLS_CACERT_DIR Path to CA certs directory. Used when server certificate verification is enabled. /etc/ssl/certs
LDAP_START_TLS Enable START_TLS, requires LDAPv3, URL must be ldap:// not ldaps:// 0

Authentication using JWT tokens

You can use JWT tokens to authenticate users. To enable it you have to enable authentication with ENABLE_AUTH and set AUTH_TYPE to jwt, then configure the settings you can see below.

Variable Description Example
JWT_APP_ID Application identifier my_jitsi_app_id
JWT_APP_SECRET Application secret known only to your token my_jitsi_app_secret
JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS (Optional) Set asap_accepted_issuers as a comma separated list my_web_client,my_app_client
JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES (Optional) Set asap_accepted_audiences as a comma separated list my_server1,my_server2
JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER (Optional) Set asap_keyserver to a url where public keys can be found
JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY (Optional) Allow anonymous users with no JWT while validating JWTs when provided 0
JWT_AUTH_TYPE (Optional) Controls which module is used for processing incoming JWTs token
JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE (Optional) Controls which module is used for validating JWTs token_verification

This can be tested using the debugger. Use the following sample payload:

  "context": {
    "user": {
      "avatar": "",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]"
  "aud": "my_jitsi_app_id",
  "iss": "my_jitsi_app_id",
  "sub": "meet.jitsi",
  "room": "*"

Shared document editing using Etherpad

You can collaboratively edit a document via Etherpad. In order to enable it, set the config options below and run Docker Compose with the additional config file etherpad.yml.

Here are the required options:

Variable Description Example
ETHERPAD_URL_BASE Set etherpad-lite URL

Transcription configuration

If you want to enable the Transcribing function, these options are required:

Variable Description Example
ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS Enable Jigasi transcription in a conference 1
GC_PROJECT_ID project_id from Google Cloud Credentials
GC_PRIVATE_KEY_ID private_key_id from Google Cloud Credentials
GC_PRIVATE_KEY private_key from Google Cloud Credentials
GC_CLIENT_EMAIL client_email from Google Cloud Credentials
GC_CLIENT_ID client_id from Google Cloud Credentials
GC_CLIENT_CERT_URL client_x509_cert_url from Google Cloud Credentials

For setting the Google Cloud Credentials please read section "Before you begin" paragraph 1 to 5.

Advanced configuration

These configuration options are already set and generally don't need to be changed.

Variable Description Default value
XMPP_DOMAIN Internal XMPP domain meet.jitsi
XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN Internal XMPP domain for authenticated services
XMPP_SERVER Internal XMPP server name
XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASE Internal XMPP server URL for BOSH module
XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN XMPP domain for the internal MUC
XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN XMPP domain for unauthenticated users
XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN Domain for the jibri recorder
XMPP_MODULES Custom Prosody modules for XMPP_DOMAIN (comma separated) info,alert
XMPP_MUC_MODULES Custom Prosody modules for MUC component (comma separated) info,alert
XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES Custom Prosody modules for internal MUC component (comma separated) info,alert
GLOBAL_MODULES Custom prosody modules to load in global configuration (comma separated) statistics,alert
GLOBAL_CONFIG Custom configuration string with escaped newlines foo = bar;\nkey = val;
RESTART_POLICY Container restart policy defaults to unless-stopped
JICOFO_COMPONENT_SECRET XMPP component password for Jicofo s3cr37
JICOFO_AUTH_USER XMPP user for Jicofo client connections focus
JICOFO_AUTH_PASSWORD XMPP password for Jicofo client connections passw0rd
JVB_AUTH_USER XMPP user for JVB MUC client connections jvb
JVB_AUTH_PASSWORD XMPP password for JVB MUC client connections passw0rd
JVB_STUN_SERVERS STUN servers used to discover the server's public IP,,
JVB_PORT UDP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge 10000
JVB_TCP_HARVESTER_DISABLED Disable the additional harvester which allows video over TCP (rather than just UDP) true
JVB_TCP_PORT TCP port for media used by Jitsi Videobridge when the TCP Harvester is enabled 4443
JVB_BREWERY_MUC MUC name for the JVB pool jvbbrewery
JVB_ENABLE_APIS Comma separated list of JVB APIs to enable none
JIGASI_XMPP_USER XMPP user for Jigasi MUC client connections jigasi
JIGASI_XMPP_PASSWORD XMPP password for Jigasi MUC client connections passw0rd
JIGASI_BREWERY_MUC MUC name for the Jigasi pool jigasibrewery
JIGASI_PORT_MIN Minimum port for media used by Jigasi 20000
JIGASI_PORT_MAX Maximum port for media used by Jigasi 20050
JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_SIP_URI Health-check extension. Jigasi will call it for health check keepalive
JIGASI_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL Interval of health check in milliseconds 300000
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_RECORD_AUDIO Jigasi will record audio when transcriber is on true
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_SEND_TXT Jigasi will send a transcribed text to the chat when transcriber is on true
JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_ADVERTISE_URL Jigasi will post an URL to the chat with transcription file true
DISABLE_HTTPS Handle TLS connections outside of this setup 1
ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS (necessary for Let's Encrypt) 1
LOG_LEVEL Controls which logs are output from prosody and associated modules info

Running behind NAT or on a LAN environment

If running in a LAN environment (as well as on the public Internet, via NAT) is a requirement, the DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS should be set. This way, the Videobridge will advertise the IP address of the host running Docker instead of the internal IP address that Docker assigned it, thus making ICE succeed. If your users are coming in over the Internet (and not over LAN), this will likely be your public IP address. If this is not set up correctly, calls will crash when more than two users join a meeting.

The public IP address is discovered via STUN. STUN servers can be specified with the JVB_STUN_SERVERS option.

Build Instructions

Building your images allows you to edit the configuration files of each image individually, providing more customization for your deployment.

The docker images can be built by running the make command in the main repository folder. If you need to overwrite existing images from the remote source, use FORCE_REBUILD=1 make.

If you are on the unstable branch, build the images with FORCE_REBUILD=1 JITSI_RELEASE=unstable make.

You are now able to run docker-compose up as usual.


  • Support container replicas (where applicable).
  • TURN server.


No packages published


  • Lua 53.1%
  • Dockerfile 31.7%
  • Makefile 9.0%
  • Shell 6.2%