A reading companion for
"Category Theory for Programmers"
This is a reading companion for Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' blog series which were published as a book release by multiple people. Bartosz's writing has gained a lot of popularity and has been discussed in more than a few Haskell meetups. For me, as someone with a background in physics and little to no knowledge about programming language theory and Haskell, it was a challenge to understand many important insights at first read. Therefore, this companion is meant to make it easier follow Bartosz' writing in the following ways. Firstly, clear definitions of discussed categorical concepts are given. Secondly, an extensive list of further reading material is referenced, which help to clarify things that remain a bit vague in Bartosz's blogs. Thirdly, while verifying my solutions to the challenges, I have come across incomplete or false solutions and therefore try to improve on that by presenting my own solutions as clearly, complete, and correct as I can.
This is a work in progress.