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MOSICAS-Fortran folder :
  - Code: Fortran code of the MOSICAS model
  - Documentation: documentation describing the input ans output files
	Excel plateforme use: Folder to run mosicas using the excel plateforme or mosica.exe manually
	R_run_MOSICAS: R project to run simple MOSICAS simulations from R and to perform parameter optimization
  - Input_from_ECOFI_database: R project to create MOSICAS input files from the ECOFI database (database of sugarcane trials performed in Reunion island) 
When using the MOSICAS model, please cite: 
ChristinaMathias. (2020, April 25). ChristinaMathias/MOSICAS: First realease (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo.

When using the Ecofi database, please cite the datapaper: 
ECOFI: a database of sugar and energy cane field trials. Christina Mathias, Chaput Maxime, Martiné Jean-François, Auzoux Sandrine. 2020. Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research, 6 : 14-18.

Two versions of MOSICAS in R and html are currently under development (MOSICAS-R and MOSIWEB, respectively)