k8s manifests for deployment of Talkyard forum software.
The manifests within this repository are fairly minimal and does not include persistent storage, resource requests/limits, HA-configuration etc. The idea is that custom configurations can be done with Tanka or Kustomize.
For docker-compose install see official repository: github.com/debiki/talkyard-prod-one
Talkyard source repository: github.com/debiki/talkyard
Two alternatives:
- With Tanka and leverage this repository as a jsonnet library.
- With Kustomize as a remote resource. For a more detailed step-by-step guide view this blog post.
- k8s cluster with amd64 nodes
- kubectl installed and $KUBECONFIG configured with the cluster
- Tanka and Jsonnet Bundler installed. See tanka.dev/install
Initialize a new Tanka project and import this repository as a library.
mkdir talkyard && cd talkyard tk init jb install github.com/ChrisEke/talkyard-k8s/lib/talkyard@main
Custom configuration of the Talkyard deployment should be done in directory
(or whichever environment that is preferred).REQUIRED:
- Talkyard-app expects configuration file play-framework.conf for custom configurations such as hostname, SMTP, user authentications etc. Place
directory and update desired parameters. - Update
to include play-framework.conf as a ConfigMap. - Update
with k8s cluster endpoint and namespace - By default namespace "talkyard" is created. This can be changed in
Examples from environments/tanka-example
(import 'talkyard/talkyard.libsonnet') { app+: { // Includes play-framework.conf as a ConfigMap which Talkyard-app will mount as a config volume. playFrameworkConfigMap: $.core.v1.configMap.new('app-play-framework-conf') + $.core.v1.configMap.withData({ 'app-prod-override.conf': importstr 'play-framework.conf', }), }, _config+:: { namespace: 'my-namespace', app+:: { // Settings for Java heap size as well as many of the parameters in play-framework-conf // can be specified as environment variables env+:: { PLAY_HEAP_MEMORY_MB: '256', BECOME_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS: '[email protected]', TALKYARD_HOSTNAME: 'example.com', }, }, search+:: { env+:: { ES_JAVA_OPTS: '-Xms192m -Xmx192m', }, }, }, }
{ "apiVersion": "tanka.dev/v1alpha1", "kind": "Environment", "metadata": { "name": "environments/tanka-example" }, "spec": { "apiServer": "https://my-k8s-cluster:6443", "namespace": "my-namespace", "resourceDefaults": {}, "expectVersions": {} } }
- Talkyard-app expects configuration file play-framework.conf for custom configurations such as hostname, SMTP, user authentications etc. Place
Apply to k8s cluster:
tk apply environments/default
Add secrets
. Talkyard app and rdb will not be able to start without these being set.kubectl create secret generic --namespace=talkyard talkyard-app-secrets --from-literal=play-secret-key='my-secret-key' kubectl create secret generic --namespace=talkyard talkyard-rdb-secrets --from-literal=postgres-password='my-postgres-password'
- k8s cluster with amd64 nodes
- kubectl installed and $KUBECONFIG configured with the cluster
- kustomize installed. See kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io/installation/kustomize
Create a project area
mkdir talkyard && cd talkyard
-file. Example configMapGenerator and secretGenerator has been included for mandatory configuration and secrets.cat << EOF > kustomization.yaml apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization namespace: talkyard configMapGenerator: - name: app-play-framework-conf files: - app-prod-override.conf=play-framework.conf secretGenerator: - name: talkyard-app-secrets literals: - play-secret-key='my-secret-key' - name: talkyard-rdb-secrets literals: - postgres-password='my-postgres-password' resources: - github.com/ChrisEke/talkyard-k8s EOF
Include file play-framework.conf in the project directory and update parameters to desired values.
Apply to k8s cluster.
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
Add nodeSelector to deployments:
Create a patch file:
cat << EOF > patch-nodeSelector.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: Whatever
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
Reference it in kustomization.yaml:
- path: patch-nodeSelector.yaml
kind: Deployment
Port-forward of Talkyard web service on localhost with an unpriviliged port might result in a blank page. This is due to the $port being stripped from the request URL-header for additional site assets, which consequently leads to failure of loading said assets.
A temporary fix is to modify the web pod, example:
kubectl exec web-546846b96d-f7vfq -- \
sed -i 's/proxy_set_header Host \$host/proxy_set_header Host \$http_host/' \
kubectl exec web-546846b96d-f7vfq -- nginx -s reload
Changing nginx parameter $host to $http_host has some security implications. A better and more permanent solution is to apply an ingress object infront of the web service and configure it with a proper URL.