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Releases: CardiacModelling/hERGRapidCharacterisation

Code associated with Biophysical Journal Publications

24 Aug 12:06
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The code associated with our papers in Biophysical Journal 2019

CL Lei, M Clerx, D.J. Gavaghan, L. Polonchuk, GR Mirams, K Wang (2019)
Rapid characterisation of hERG channel kinetics I: using an automated high-throughput system
Biophysical Journal. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2019.07.029
also on BioRXiv 609727

CL Lei, M Clerx, KA Beattie, D Melgari, JC Hancox, DJ Gavaghan, L Polonchuk, K Wang, GR Mirams (2019)
Rapid characterisation of hERG channel kinetics II: temperature dependence
Biophysical Journal. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2019.07.030
also on BioRXiv 609719