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Group 70 - Drink Delivery Application

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Milestone Documents Google Drive

Clean Architecture

  • Outer layers always depends on only one layer inside
    • User interface, Database → Controller, Presenter → Use Case → Entity
  • All import statement follow clean architecture
    • package → import entity → import use case → import java package
  • Input boundary between Controller and Use Case
    • User Input Boundary
  • Entities and Use Case can be easily tested without interacting with outer layer


  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
    • We ensured that our code follow the SRP by separating our code into different use cases with each class only having one responsibility, thus only having one reason to change.
  • Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
    • We designed our code in a way that we can add new features and modules without needing to modify old one. One example is in our user, seller, and customer class. Where the seller and customer class inherits from the user class.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
    • We implemented the LSP in our User class. Where the customer and seller class implement the user class. So since they are the subtypes, we seperated the user into either customer or seller where we could.
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
    • We tried to implement this principle by making sure to not have bulky interfaces and only contain methods and objects that the user will use. For example, we created a separate use case for every possible case, and re-call functions if their functions overlap.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
    • We implemented this principle through the many interfaces and input boundaries we have. We make sure the interfaces implement the input boundaries, so we can control the flow of the code without violating the principle.

Code Style and Documentation

  • Naming convention
    • For all the packages, we named it with all lowercase.
    • All of our class name has follow the Pascal Case which for a single word we only capitalize the first letter, but for compound letter we also use the capital letter to make the different parts of the word easy to read.
  • Javadoc
    • We have added the javadoc in front of every java class to describe what these codes mainly do.
    • We have also add the description for the constructor of all the entities to indicate what each parameter means.
    • The method also have javadoc to describe what the method main does, and what the parameter indicates.
    • For some parts that hard to understand, we have added the explanation javadoc beside it.

Design Pattern

  • Singleton
    • Helper Serializer, Deserializer and Runtime Database follows Singleton Design because these classes has only one instance and provide a global access point to that instance
  • Observer
    • MainInterface observe the output of each Screen and show on the screen when application opens
  • Command
    • Add to Cart buttons in Drink screen, Sale Board screen and Search Drink screen use the same command AddToShoppingCart and make the buttons execute that command on a click
  • Template Method
    • User is the abstract super class and lets subclasses Customer and Seller override specific steps of the algorithm without changing its structure


  • Equitable Use
    • Customer Service to address questions and provide help
  • Flexibility in Use
    • Sale Section and General Drink Layout provide customers choices in choosing drinks
  • Simple and Intuitive Use
    • Seller Add/Modify drink provides hints for input
  • Tolerance for Error
    • Warning Board minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions
  • Low Physical Effort
    • Customers can add drink quantities in Shopping Cart to minimize repetitive actions of go to drink layout and add drinks again


1.1 User

User is an abstract class that will be inheritanced by Customer class and Seller class.

The user object has the following attributes:

  • account name
  • phone number
  • password
  • address

Note: The phone number attribute is an unique identifier for each user object and will be used for login process.

Customer is the subclass of User, and it is used to store information for each individual customer of our application.

The customer object has the following attributes:

  • attributes of User (account name, phone number, password and address)
  • age
  • order history
  • shopping cart

Note: The order history and shopping cart are not constructor parameters, they are initialized as empty and will be set when the customer placed orders and/or add items in the shopping cart.

1.3 Seller

Seller is the subclass of User, and it is used to store information for each individual seller of our application.

The seller object has the following attributes:

  • attributes of User (account name, phone number, password and address)
  • store name
  • all orders
  • drink items (drinks that sellers sell)

Note: The all orders and drink items are not constructor parameters, they are initialized as empty and will be set when the seller get orders from customers add/or add drinks.

1.4 Drink

Drink is a class that used to store information for each drink sold by sellers on our application.

The drink object has the following attributes:

  • name
  • price
  • description
  • ingredient
  • volume
  • production date
  • expiration date
  • discount
  • store name


  • Discount is 1 (meaning the price is now 100%) for drinks with no discount, and drink with discount will have the attribut as a float between 0 and 1 (i.e. 0.8 accounts for a 20% off discount).
  • Store name is not a constructor parameter, and it will be set when the seller add the drink to its store. This attribute can not be modified.
  • Every attribute except store name can be modified when the seller modify drink info. When the seller modify only the drink name, the application will delete this drink object and form a new drink object with the changed name and make other info identical.

1.5 Order

Order is a class that used to store information for each order placed by customers on our application.

The order object has the following attributes:

  • order number
  • order list (drink and its quantity)
  • order status


  • Order number is an unique identifier for each order and it will be set when the customer placed the order (click on check out buttom in shopping cart).
  • The order number equals to the current total order to make sure the order number is not repetitive in the database.
  • There is an overloading constructor used to reorder in the order history, which will change order number and make the other info identical to the previous order that the user want to reorder.
  • The order list is an Hashmap that use drink object as the key and its coresponding quantity as value.
  • Order status is set as "in progress" when the order placed and will be modified by sellers when the status changes (i.e. ready, pickedUp or delivered).

Shopping Cart is a class that used to store information in customer's shopping cart.

The shopping cart object has the following attributes:

  • total price
  • item list (drink and its quantity)


  • The total price will be added up as drink quantity * price in the shopping cart.
  • The order list is an Hashmap that use drink object as the key and its coresponding quantity as value.

Important: We placed Sale Board, Warning Board and Customer Service as Entities in our CRC model by mistake, these three are NOT Entities but major features and we will explain them in detail in the following Use Cases Section.

  • login()

    • Receive login info and check if user should be authenticated.
    • Return String to indicate whether the user login is a customer, seller or does not exist in database.
  • register()

    • Store user instance to corresponding database.
    • Return String to indicate whether the user input for registration is valid or not.
  • resetPassword()

    • Receive newPassword and check if the new password is different from previous password, a user can only reset the password if and only if the phone number exists and newPass and confirmPass match
    • newPassword does not necessarily need to be different with the previous password.
    • Return Boolean to indicate if the password has been set successfully.
  • AddToShoppingCart

    • Receive Drink and its respective quantity that needs to be added into current customer's shopping cart.
    • If the Drink (with same name and same store name) already exists in the shopping cart, it will be combined and quantity adds up.
  • AddToOrderHistory

    • Receive orderList and total price that the customer just checked out.
    • Add order to current customer's order history.
    • Loop over the seller stores that involved in this order, and add order to the sellers' order history.
  • sellerExists()

    • Receive Seller store name that the customer wants to get the phone number.
    • Return Boolean to indicate if the Seller store phone number exists in database
  • ModifyDrink

    • Receive two Drink objects, one is the drink that need to be modified (old drink), and the other is the drink that need to be changed to (new drink).
    • If old drink is null, then add the new drink directly; if new drink is null, then remove the old drink directly.
    • Use this single one function to replace three replicate functions - modify, add and remove.
  • ModifyOrderStatus

    • It receives the order number and the new order status that the seller wants to change, get the current seller using the getCurrentSeller method in UserRuntimeDataBase class in userusercases package. Then finds the corresponding order with order number, and change the order status.
  • SellerModifyDrink

    • The class has a private static variable that keep track of the drink that the seller wants to modify.
    • The searchedDrinkToModify method receives the drink name and get the drink using DrinkRuntimeDataBase and store it in the static variable searchedDrink.
    • The modifyDrink method receives the attributes of a modified drink including drink name, drink price, drink description, drink ingredient, volume, production date, expiration date and discount. If the seller modify the drink name, then it remove the seachedDrink from alldrinks and add the new drink. If the drink name is not changed, then replace the drink in alldrinks with the current modified drink. At last, modify the items(Arraylist of drink that the seller sell) attribute in Seller.
    • The addDrink method receives the attributes of a new drink including drink name, drink price, drink description, drink ingredient, volume, production date, expiration date and discount. It checks if the new drink is included in the database, if not, then add it into the database.
    • The deleteDrink method receives the attributes of a drink including drink name, drink price, drink description, drink ingredient, volume, production date, expiration date and discount, and delete the corresponding drink from the database.
  • GetWarningMessage()
    • Return a string showing the common allergens contained in the drinks in a HashMap.
    • If the drinks in HashMap contains no common allergens, return a string showing the drinks contain no common allergens.
  • SearchDrinks()

    • Get all drinks by the searching keyword, return the vector form of drinks which can be used in JTable.
  • onSale()

    • Return all drinks that has discount not equal to 1 (has discount)
  • constructUserData()

    • Extract User objects from database and store users in a ArrayList of HashMap.
    • HashMap at index 0 are seller objects and HashMap at index 1 are customer objects.
  • constructDrinkData()

    • Extract Drink objects from database and store drink in a Hashmap of Hashmap.
    • Key of first Hashmap is store name, Value of first Hashmap is Hashmap of drink name and Drink object.
  • saveUserData() and saveDrinkData()

    • Save User and Drink objects into database.
  • User Runtime Database and Drink Runtime Database

    • Save all sellers and customers data in the Runtime Database
    • Save all drink data into Runtime Database
    • Save current seller and customer who are viewing the application in a Runtime Database
    • We save these data as static variables to make sure every screen and/or use case that access these data will get the same value instead of calling multiple instances of the class which might not be updated properly.
    • constructCurrentSeller() and constructCurrentCustomer(): When the user login, the login screen will pass his/her phone number, and we will find the user object in the runtime database and save it as the static variable, so whenever a use cases modify the user object attributes (i.e. reset password, customer make a new order, seller add drinks), other use cases will have the variable updated.
  • Login Response Model

    • Providing the corresponding message to users when login in. Either successfully logged in. Or incorrect phone number or password.
  • Question Response Model

    • Provide preprogrammed answers to the user when pressing the corresponding button.(common q&a for users)
    • Provide Seller's phone number when customer enter Seller's account name.
    • Provide Store's contact information to user.
  • Register Response Model

    • Providing the corresponding message to users when registering. Inform users whether they have successfully registered, or something going wrong, the password doesn't match, provide name already exists etc.
  • DrinkInputBoundary

    • Make sure that the input from the user is in the correct format we require, to successfully create the drink
  • RegisterInputBoundary

    • Make sure that the input from the user is in the correct format we require, to successfully allow the user to register
  • Login Register Screens

  • Customer Main Screens

    • SearchingDrinksPanel
      • This class is a panel in customer main page. This class is a feature which allowed customer searching drinks' keyword and drinks will be presented as a table. Also allowed customers adding drinks to shopping cart in the same page.
    • ShoppingCartPanel
      • When the customer adds a drink to their cart they can come to this screen to view their drinks. The customer can see the drinks name, price, discount percentage, the drinks quantity, store name, discounted price, final price and total price of the order. The customer will also be able to modify the quantity of the selected drink.
      • The screen contains three buttons, an add button ("+"), a minus button ("-"), and a checkout button.
      • When the customer selects the drink that they want to modify the quantity of, they can press the add button to add to the quantity and minus button to lessen the quantity. If the quantity is 0 and the customer presses the minus button again, a pop-up message will appear saying that they can not lessen anymore of the quantity.
      • When the customer presses the checkout button, the data of the order will be passed to order history, the shopping cart screen will clear and a pop-up message will appear informing the customer that they have successfully placed their order, and can check their order in their order history.
    • OrderHistoryPanel
      • When the customer checks out, their order data will be passed here, and the customer can see their order number (which is generated randomly), the total price of that corresponding order and the status of that order (which the seller can modify).
  • Seller Main Screens

    • AddDrinkScreen

      • When the add drink button on the seller main screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains text box of all the attributes of the drink class, and it prompts the seller to enter all attributes, including drink name, drink price, drink description, drink ingredient, volume, production date, expiration date and discount. (It also prompt the seller for the format of the production date, expiration date and discount)
      • The screen contains two buttons, add drink button and cancel button.
      • When the add drink button is clicked, the project would use the addDrink method in SellerModifyDrink class in sellerusecases package.
      • When the cancel button is clicked by the seller, the AddDrinkScreen would be closed, and the SellerMainScreen would open.
    • DeleteDrinkScreen

      • When the delete drink button on the seller main screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains a text box which let the seller to enter the drink name that he/she wants to delete.
      • This screen also contains a delete drink button and cancel button. When the delete drink button is clicked, the project would use the searchedDrinkToModify method in the SellerModifyDrink class in sellerusecases package, if the drink name that seller entered is not in his/her current drinks, then it would tell the user that drink name not match. If the drink name is in the seller's drinks, then it will use the deleteDrink method in SellerMo
      • When the cancel button is clicked by the seller, the DeleteDrinkScreen would be closed, and the SellerMainScreen would open.
    • SearchModifyDrinkScreen

      • When the modify drink button on the seller main screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains a text box which let the seller enter the drink name that he/she wants to modify.
      • This screen also contains a search drink button and cancel button. When the search drink button is clicked, the project would use the searchedDrinkToModify method in the SellerModifyDrink class in sellerusecases package, if the drink name that seller entered is not in his/her current drinks, then it would tell the user that drink name not match. If the drink name is in the seller's drinks, then it will close the SearchModifyDrink Screen and open the ModifyDrinkScreen.
      • When the cancel button is clicked by the seller, the SearchModifyDrinkScreen would be closed, and the SellerMainScreen would open.
    • ModifyDrinkScreen

      • When the search drink button on the search modify drink screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains text box of all the attributes of the drink class, and it prompts the seller to enter all attributes, including drink name, drink price, drink description, drink ingredient, volume, production date, expiration date and discount.
      • The screen contains two buttons, modify drink button and cancel button.
      • When the modify drink button is clicked, the drink that seller entered in the search modify drink screen would be modified using the modifyDrink method in the sellerModifyDrink class in the sellerusecases package.
      • When the cancel button is clicked by the seller, the ModifyDrinkScreen would be closed, and the SellerMainScreen would open.
    • OrderStatusScreen

      • When the modify status button on the seller main screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains all the order that customers has ordered in this login seller's store, and two buttons which are modify button and back button.
      • When the modify button is clicked, the OrderStatusScreen would be closed, and the ModifyStatusScreen would open.
      • When the back button is clicked by the seller, the OrderStatusScreen would be closed, and the SellerMainScreen would open.
    • ModifyStatusScreen

      • When the modify button on the order status screen is clicked, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains two text box that prompt the seller to enter the order number that he/she wants to modify and the new order status.
      • This screen also contains two buttons, modify button and back button.
      • When the modify button is clicked, the project would first check if the order number is included in the seller's orders, and if it is included, it would then check if the new order status that the seller entered is different from the previous order status. If it all satisfied, then the project would use the ModifyOrderStatus method in ModifyOrderStatus class in the sellerusecases packege to modify the seller order status and prompt the seller that he/she have changed the order status. If any of the condition is not satisfied, it would prompt the seller that the order number does not exist or the order status is the same.
      • When the back button is clicked by the seller, the ModifyStatusScreen would be closed, and the SearchedModifyDrinkScreen would open.
    • SellerMainScreen

      • This screen contains all the drink of the login seller and four buttons which are add drink button, delete drink button, modify drink button and modify order status button.
      • When each button is clicked by the seller, the seller main screen is closed and open the corresponding function screens.
  • Other Swing Components

    • SearchingTable

      • This class is a JTable of swing and this table is used in searching drinks panel. Set the table grid line colour as black so that each lines of drinks and variables of drinks can be seperated clearly.
    • SearchingTableModel

      • This class is a table model of the JTable. In this class, set the default model of table which includes headers and initialize the table.
    • WarningBoard

      • When the ShoppingCart is entered, this screen would be open.
      • This screen contains a JLabel which shows the warning message and a I Understand button to close.
  • Main

    • To run this project, you can just run this main class, and the interface of our project would be displayed.
  • Serializer

    • The lowest level object integrating with file system, converting object input stream to file output stream.
  • Deserializer

    • The reverse process of converting file input stream to object output stream.
  • InitData

    • It contains the five seller database with 5 drinks database each seller, and also 12 customer database. Run this helper
    • method to initiate the data in the project. Note: Since only the objects implement the Serializable interface can be serialized, User, Drink, Order and Shopping Cart classes all implement the interface.
  • AddModifyDrinkController
    • Controller for seller to be able to add or modify drink
    • has two functions addDrink and modifyDrink functions, which calls the SellerModifyDrink use case, then creates a new response presenter that presents the response from the responses from the UserResponseModel, addModifyDrinkResponse function.
  • LoginController
    • Controller for the user, either seller or customer to login
    • Creates a string from calling the LoginUser use case, which determines whether the user is a customer or seller
    • Returns a string, that is the response from the UserResponseModel (loginResponse) and displayed through the newly created ResponsePresenter.
  • RegisterController
    • Controller for the user, either seller or customer to register
    • Creates a string from calling the RegisterUser use case, which determines whether the user is a customer or seller
    • Returns a string, that is the response from the UserResponseModel (registerResponse) and displayed through the newly created ResponsePresenter.
  • ResetPasswordController
    • Controller for the user to reset their password
    • Creates a boolean value from calling the ResetUserPassword use case, which returns whether the password was successfully reset.
    • Returns a boolean, and displays the response from UserResponseModel (ResetResponse) through the newly created ResponsePresenter
  • ShoppingCartController
    • Controller for the shopping cart
    • addItem function returns a float by returning the value from calling the AddQuantityButtonActionPerformed use case
    • minusItem function returns a float by returning the value from calling the MinusQuantityButtonActionPerformed use case
    • checkOut function returns a void and calls the CheckoutButtonActionPerformed use case
  • ResponsePresenter
    • Two functions, messagePresenter and drinkMessagePresenter
    • messagePresenter creates a JOptionpane that displays the message passed in when creating the presenter object
    • drinkMessagePresenter creates a JOptionpane that displays the concatenated message of the message passed in when creating the presenter object and the drink string passed in when calling the function
  • Each test calls each callable(not related to java swing) method at least once. And test the behaviour of the method with different circumstances.
  • Test of Entities
    • TestCustomer: Called all the common attributes inherited from the user. (Name, age, address etc), And Its own method like (get shoppingcart(),get orderhistory()).
    • TestSeller: Called all the common attributes inherited from the user. (Name, age, address etc). And Its own method like (setAllOrders(), getAllOrders(),SetStoreName(), GetStoreName() etc).
    • TestDrinks: Called every drink attribute, and methods.(Name, Price, ingredients etc).
    • TestOrder: Called every order attribute (orderNum, orderStatus etc) and methods ( getOrderList(), setOrderNum etc).
    • TestShoppingCart: Called every ShoppingCart attribute (itemList, totalPrize etc) and methods ( setTotalPrize() etc).
  • Test of Usecases
    • TestModifyDrink: Test the functionality of modifying the attributes of the drink.
    • TestModifyOrderStatus: Test the functionality of modifying the status of orders added to the order history.
    • TestSellerModifyDrink: Setup seller object to addDrink, deletedrink, and modify the attributes of drink.
    • TestAddToOrderHistory: Created a customer object to add orders to orderhistory, and see if the functionality is working.
    • TestAddToShoppingCart: Created a customer object to add orders to the shopping cart, and see if the functionality is working.
    • TestGetOrderStatus: Created a customer object to test if customers are able to get the order status for the drinks they want.
    • TestGetOnsaleDrink: Set up input cases, and test if the on-sale drink has been added in to our on-sale drink list.
    • TestGetWarningMessage: Test the functionality of finding common allergens and alcohol in the ingredients of drinks.
    • TestLoginUser: Created a customer and a seller to test functionality for login.
    • TestRegisterUser: Set up a customer and a seller to test functionality for register.
    • TestResetUserPassword: Set up a customer and a seller to test functionality for reset password.
    • TestSearchDrinks: Set up some drinks to test the functionality of searching.


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