##Malaria Tool
This tool is written the following techstack.
- Python 2.7
- Django 1.8.3
- Postgres
Ensure Python 2.7.x, pip
and virtualenv
Because its a python/django project is advised to run in separate virtual environment using either virtualenv by installing it via pip install virtualenv
and creating one virtualenv malariatool
####Installing of requirements.
Activate the virtualenv source malariatool/bin/activate
then install python requirements using pip pip install -r requirements.txt
####To runserver:
python malariatool/manage.py runserver
####To run test:
python malariatool/manage.py test
####User Management: There are three user roles AdminRole, IPUserRole and Public Users.
To create a admin user:
python malariatool/manage.py createsuperuser
And use that to login and create other users.
####Data Management: To download initial data from DHIS2 run the commands below
python manage.py dhis2_download_org_units region
python manage.py dhis2_download_org_units district
python manage.py dhis2_download_org_units subcounty
python manage.py dhis2_download_facilities
python manage.py dhis2_set_org_unit_parents region
python manage.py dhis2_set_org_unit_parents district
python manage.py dhis2_set_org_unit_parents sub_county
python manage.py dhis2_set_org_unit_parents facility
python manage.py dhis2_load_district_populations ../dist_population.txt
python manage.py loaddata dhisdash/fixtures/dhisdash_new_data_elements.json
python manage.py loaddata dhisdash/fixtures/dhisdash_new_data_sets.json
python manage.py loaddata dhisdash/fixtures/dhisdash_new_category_option_combos.json
Make sure the 'downloads' folder is created before running the next 2 commands
There are two commands to ensure that data is synced.
To download:
python malariatool/manage.py dhis2_data_download 201502
To parse:
python malariatool/manage.py dhis2_data_parse 201502
The above commands should be setup to run as cron jobs late in the night.
The deployment process is based on a free software platform called Ansible which enables one to provision multiple servers with just a single command.
The Ansible software is not supported on the Windows platform even though certain people have managed to get it running on Cygwin.
Installing Ansible onto a Ubuntu machine
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible
Cloning the Malaria Tool repository
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone https://github.com/CHAIUganda/MalariaTool.git
$ cd ~/MalariaTool/provision
Update the hosts configuration file (inventory/hosts.ini)
x.x.x.x ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/key.pem
Update the vars configuration file (vars.yml)
Set the secret to the database password e.g. postgres
Run deployment
$ ansible-playbook app_server.yml -i inventory/hosts.ini -vvvv
Wrapping up
Rename the local_settings.py.sample file to local_settings.py in the provisioned instance and make changes to it accordingly.
The frontend is written in BoostrapCSS, JQuery with a few plugins and LeafLetJs for the maps section.