Project basted on and his work with a uni-directional teleprinter setup. As my particular Model 15 Teletypewriter has a keyboard, I'm aiming to make it bi-directional, using similar methods.
Much thanks to SudoBob! Many thanks to Ibuprofen!
Compatible with python3
Raspberry Pi OS "Jessie" python3.4 Install WebIOPi (using version WebIOPi-0.7.1)
For Play or Direct Web Input to Teletype:
Run 'python3' to start the WebIOPi fronting service (navigate to your pi's IP address to view).
For Streaming Twitter to Teletype:
Run 'python3' to fire up the twitter parsing program.
Run 'python3' to fire up the d-base to printer program.
Run 'sudo python3' to fire up the rx mode (which echos back to teletype)
Note: python (python2) and webiopi don'y play nice and have a significant issue (webiopi will not install properly). After fighting this for hours, decided to just move to python3 (which required editing the code for new syntax compatiblity).
tx = Accepting Teletype Keyboard Input, Echoed to Teletype Printer, Sent to Twitter, Motor On
rx = Tweets Printing to Teletype Printer, Teletype Keyboard Input Ignored, Motor On
sleep = Waiting for Tweets from Twitter or Waiting for UserStart (Start Button, Motion, or KeyPress), Motor Off