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WoD/TheEverbloom/Trash: Add trash module
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ntowle committed Sep 30, 2023
1 parent 0cd933a commit 31c2072
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Showing 13 changed files with 438 additions and 2 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/deDE.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
L.energyStatus = "Eine Sphäre hat Bleichborke erreicht: %d%% Energie"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "deDE")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Schreckensblüte"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Naturalist des Immergrünen Flors"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Felsstachelstecher"
L.everbloom_mender = "Heiler des Immergrünen Flors"
L.gnarlroot = "Knorrenwurzel"
L.melded_berserker = "Befallener Berserker"
L.infested_icecaller = "Infizierte Eisruferin"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Eitriger Pyromant"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Verwirrter Arkanomant"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/esES.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "esES") or BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "esMX")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Horripétalo"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Naturalista del Vergel Eterno"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Aguijón Rocaspina"
L.everbloom_mender = "Ensalmador del Vergel Eterno"
L.gnarlroot = "Tuercerraíces"
L.melded_berserker = "Rabioso fusionado"
L.infested_icecaller = "Llamahielos infestada"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Piromántico pútrido"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Arcanomántico desconcertado"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/frFR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "frFR")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Pétaleffroi"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Naturaliste de la Flore éternelle"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Aiguillonneur épine-rocheuse"
L.everbloom_mender = "Soigneur de la Flore éternelle"
L.gnarlroot = "Racine-Noueuse"
L.melded_berserker = "Berserker assimilé"
L.infested_icecaller = "Mandeglace infesté"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Pyromancien putride"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Arcanomancien perturbé"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/itIT.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "itIT")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Petalotruce"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Naturalista di Verdeterno"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Pungitore Spinacoriacea"
L.everbloom_mender = "Guaritore di Verdeterno"
L.gnarlroot = "Torciradice"
L.melded_berserker = "Berserker Ibrido"
L.infested_icecaller = "Invocatore del Ghiaccio Infestato"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Piromante Putrido"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Arcanomante Confuso"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/koKR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "koKR")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "공포꽃잎"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "상록숲 식물학자"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "바위등뼈 쐐기벌레"
L.everbloom_mender = "상록숲 치유사"
L.gnarlroot = "옹이뿌리"
L.melded_berserker = "식물에 잠식당한 광전사"
L.infested_icecaller = "감염된 얼음소환사"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "타락의 화염술사"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "정신이상의 비전역술사"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/ptBR.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
L.energyStatus = "Um glóbulo alcançou Cascasseca: %d%% energia"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "ptBR")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Medônia"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Naturalista de Floretérnia"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Aguilhoador Costapedra"
L.everbloom_mender = "Reparador de Floretérnia"
L.gnarlroot = "Rugirraiz"
L.melded_berserker = "Berserk"
L.infested_icecaller = "Chamagelo Infestada"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Piromante Podre"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Arcanomante Atordoado"
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/ruRU.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,18 @@ local L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("Witherbark", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "ruRU")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "Страхоцвет"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "Натуралист Вечного Цветения"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "Камнеспинный жальщик"
L.everbloom_mender = "Лекарь Вечного Цветения"
L.gnarlroot = "Кривокорень"
L.melded_berserker = "Зараженный берсерк"
L.infested_icecaller = "Зараженная сотворительница льда"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "Гнилостный пиромант"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "Одурманенный маг"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/zhCN.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
L.energyStatus = "小水滴到达枯木:%d%% 能量"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "zhCN")
if L then
L.dreadpetal = "恐瓣"
L.everbloom_naturalist = "永茂博学者"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
L.rockspine_stinger = "石脊钉刺者"
L.everbloom_mender = "永茂栽培者"
L.gnarlroot = "瘤根"
L.melded_berserker = "融合狂战士"
L.infested_icecaller = "被感染的唤冰者"
L.putrid_pyromancer = "腐烂的炎术士"
L.addled_arcanomancer = "疯狂的奥法师"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Locales/zhTW.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,17 @@ if not L then return end
if L then
--L.energyStatus = "A Globule reached Witherbark: %d%% energy"

L = BigWigs:NewBossLocale("The Everbloom Trash", "zhTW")
if L then
--L.dreadpetal = "Dreadpetal"
--L.everbloom_naturalist = "Everbloom Naturalist"
--L.everbloom_cultivator = "Everbloom Cultivator"
--L.rockspine_stinger = "Rockspine Stinger"
--L.everbloom_mender = "Everbloom Mender"
--L.gnarlroot = "Gnarlroot"
--L.melded_berserker = "Melded Berserker"
--L.infested_icecaller = "Infested Icecaller"
--L.putrid_pyromancer = "Putrid Pyromancer"
--L.addled_arcanomancer = "Addled Arcanomancer"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Options/Colors.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,3 +42,17 @@ BigWigs:AddColors("Yalnu", {
[169251] = "green",
[169613] = "yellow",

BigWigs:AddColors("The Everbloom Trash", {
[164886] = {"blue","purple"},
[164887] = "red",
[164965] = {"blue","orange","yellow"},
[165123] = {"blue","red"},
[165213] = "red",
[169494] = {"blue","yellow"},
[172578] = "orange",
[426500] = {"blue","orange"},
[426845] = "yellow",
[426974] = "red",
[427223] = "orange",
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions WoD/TheEverbloom/Options/Sounds.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,3 +39,17 @@ BigWigs:AddSounds("Yalnu", {
[169251] = "info",
[169613] = "long",

BigWigs:AddSounds("The Everbloom Trash", {
[164886] = "alert",
[164887] = "warning",
[164965] = {"info","warning"},
[165123] = {"alarm","alert"},
[165213] = "alert",
[169494] = {"info","underyou"},
[172578] = "alarm",
[426500] = "alarm",
[426845] = "alarm",
[426974] = "alarm",
[427223] = "alert",

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