ID | Name | University | Field | Status |
M312D4KX2388 | Apriliza Vina Hasanah | Universitas Sebelas Maret | ML | [Active] |
M007D4KX2124 | Raafi Kurnia Desita | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro | ML | [Active] |
M007D4KX2741 | Zahirotul Maulida | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro | ML | [Active] |
C297D4KY1108 | Moh Yusril Prayoga | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta | CC | [Active] |
C728D4KY0558 | Fadlan Arsy Fadilla | Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang | CC | [Active] |
A728D4KX3760 | Alfiana Tiara Putri | Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang | MD | [Active] |
A728D4KX3737 | Fenty Margitha Dewi | Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang | MD | [Active] |
Indonesian Batik, a symbol of heritage and tradition, faces a challenge: wearers often lack understanding of its intricate motifs, risking the loss of cultural significance. To combat this, we propose a mobile app to educate users on Batik's motifs, origins, and narratives, reigniting public interest and preserving its heritage.
Indonesian Batik's cultural value is threatened by wearers' lack of understanding regarding motifs, origins, and narratives. Existing resources are inaccessible, hindering cultural preservation and appreciation.
Can a mobile app effectively educate users on Batik motifs, bridging the gap between the public and Batik's cultural wealth?
Indonesian Batik, a traditional cloth of immense cultural importance, embodies stories and craftsmanship. However, its cultural value diminishes as wearers lack understanding, with existing resources often inaccessible.
We recognize the urgency of preserving Indonesia's cultural heritage. By developing a user-friendly mobile app, we aim to bridge tradition and modernity, ensuring Batik's appreciation for generations to come.