To start:
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: input [args]
Generate a MIDI file from WAV
positional arguments:
input File name
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r R Minimum bin size
-o O Overlap between fft bins. Increases notes per second with higher numbers. range 0.0 to 0.99.
-t T Number of midi tracks.
-m M How much to add to the multiplier when the minimum bin size is reached
-n N Note count.
--threads THREADS How many threads the script uses to process. More threads use more ram.
--ppqn PPQN PPQN of the midi file.
--bpm BPM Bpm of the midi
--ascii-res ASCII_RES Resolution of output ascii. default=60,60
--video-res VIDEO_RES Resolution the video is scaled to before being processed. default=480,135
AsciiImage.asciify(image_in, width, height)
AsciiImage.ascii_video(filename, ascii_size: tuple, video_size: tuple, silent=False):