SKARAB is an agile, networked, FPGA-centric cluster computing or instrument node. The Square Kilometre Array Reconfigurable Application Board (SKARAB) is the latest generation of CASPER FPGA hardware. It is the next generation/successor to the ROACH2 platform.
The BINGO Project aims at building a special purpose radio telescope to map redshifted neutral hydrogen emission between z = 0.13 and 0.45.
BINGO stands for Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations.
It is an international project with collaborators in Brazil, China, United Kingdom, France, South Africa, Germany, and United States. It is the only radio telescope that proposes mapping neutral gas as traced by the 21cm line on large angular scales at redshift z~0.3.
The BINGO project uses the skarab to process the data read by the antenna before sending it to the server for further processing and database saving.
Get the installed python version on your computer:
python3 --version
And follow the install guide to download miniconda accordingly to your python version from the link
After the installation has ended, create a python 2.7 environment with:
conda create -n cfpga_venv python=2.7
If you don't what the conda initiating the environment in every new terminal window, use this config:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
Activate the python 2.7 environment
conda activate cfpga_venv
Install the casperfpga python package and the ipython for testing
pip install casperfpga ipython
Turn on the Skarab and test with
import casperfpga
skarab = caspfpga.CasperFpga('')