- Setup and installation
- Intro R: 1-hour Introduction to R and RStudio. No prior experience needed.
- Intro to R and tidyverse, RNA-seq edition: 7-hour Introduction to R and tidyverse using real-world RNA-seq data. Includes Intro R, dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot. No prior experience needed.
- RNA-seq analysis in R: 6-hour Differential gene expression analysis using linear mixed effects models. Includes Intro R, dplyr, ggplot, edgeR, limma, and kimma. No prior experience needed.
- i4TB RNA-seq differential gene and pathway expression in R
- Plotting in ggplot: 1-hour Introduction to plotting in ggplot. Includes boxplots, barplots, and "lollipop" plots. Moderate R experience recommended, in particular the tidyverse.
- Linear modeling in R: 1-hour Introduction to linear modeling in R. Includes t-test, anova, linear regression, and linear mixed effects regression. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- R packages: 1.5-hour Build an R package from scratch. Based on Wickham H. R Packages. 2e. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- Single cell RNA-seq visualization: 1.5-hour Introduction to Seurat data visualization including UMAP/tSNE and heatmaps. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- GitHub GUI: 2-hour Introduction to git and GitHub using a GUI. Includes commiting changes, adding to GitHub, and documentation on GitHub. Does not cover command line git. No prior experience needed.
Videos available at https://www.youtube.com/c/KimDillMcFarland Note that not all workshops above have an associated recording.
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