Hi! Welcome to the Henar#3 Wiki, please read carefully this welcome page that describes the full content of the Wiki.
This repository is still under construction (after many months, I know :'( ) Please if whatever doubt you have is not yet solved contact us somehow (email, Github, etc)
The Henar#3 is a Open Source MIDI percussion instrument designed to perform live. Its main characteristics are:
- Open Source: The Henar#3 has been designed and build with Open Source HW and SW and using accesible manufacturing technologies in order for it to be very affordable and easily moded.
- Build Flexibility: The Henar#3 has been designed to allow a large number of different configurations (HMI elements in order to cope with the specific necessities of each user.
- Stand Alone: The Henar#3 is an instrument designed to be played live, therefore it is a Plug&Play device which does not need of extra elements to be played.
- Pheriperic Flexibility: Besides being a Plug&Play device, the Henar#3 allows its connection with other sound devices such as speakers and alternative MIDI devices.
The Henar#3 is part of a longer project started by the Celeo Proyectos and Un Instrumento para Henar in 2015. Its initial objective is to build a proper adapted instrument for Henar, a woman from Cuenca (Spain) that plays in an orchestra.
Apart from the instrument (which has two previous versions which will be described later) the project aims to build up a platform for the community of developers, users and enthusiasts to work together towards new ways to socialize with music and make it accesible for everyone. This is achieved not only though the development of the instrument itself but also through the creation of didactic materials and the organization of events such as DiverS+S 2017 (http://www.diversos.eu/), where various projects were presented and put in common, in order to create links and an active net.
The collaborators of this project are:
Website: www.centroceleo.es/henar
Contact: [email protected]
Autofabricantes in an association based in Medialab-Prado, Madrid. It develops several Open Source technological solutions in the medical and accesibility field. It's main development lines right now are:
- Myoelectric Hand Prothesis for children.
- 3D printed hand prosthesis for children (both experimental like SuperGizz and standard).
- Henar#3 instrument (The one this Wiki covers).
Website: www.autofabricantes.org
Contact: [email protected]
Escuela de Oficios Electrosonoros (in eng. School for Electrosonic Crafts) is an artistic and educational project that works to make electronic music (or music made with technology in general) accesible to everyone.
- Elaborate a feministic (or better just... diverse) history of electronic music.
- Develop pedagogical tools for teaching electronic music in schools.
- Research about accessibility of electronic music.
Website: www.oficioselectrosonoros.org
Contact: [email protected]
The Un instrumento para Henar project has already developed two previous versions of the instruments.
The Henar#3 improvement objetives are:
- Increase System flexibility.
- Easier Assembly and manufacturing.
- Easier MIDI configuration.
- Improved ergonomy.
This Wiki aims to concentrate all the knowledge of the project. This covers:
- Global description of the project and its subsystems.
- Description of all the files in the repository.
- Description of all the elements and their evolution.
- Assembly Guide of all the elements (HW, SW, Mechanical).
- Tutorials and other didactic material.