This repository contains scripts that enable Arm Virtual Hardware FVPs to run via Docker on MacOS.
Install Docker Desktop on Mac.
For commercial use you might require a paid subscription.
Verify proper installation by running the following commands on a terminal:
docker info
If the Docker installation is operational it prints out version information about Client and Server.
Open a terminal and set the working directory where to store the Fast Model wrapper to. Then run:
git clone
This will create the subdirectory FVPs-on-Mac
in the current working directory.
Run the build script to create the Docker image and populate the bin
folder with model wrappers:
Once this succeeds inspect the created bin
folder containing a bunch of symlinks to
These wrappers can be used exactly like any native model executable:
./bin/FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M3 --version
Add $(pwd)/FVPs-on-Mac/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/FVPs-on-Mac/bin
Put this to our ~/.zshrc
to make it permanent.
Once the setup has been completed one can run Fast Models as they are installed natively.
Some restrictions still apply:
The users home directory is mapped into the Docker container. Hence, all files accessed (application images, configuration files) must be stored in users home.
Fast Models require an activated User Based License. Typically, the license cache is stored in
on the host machine and mapped into the container as part of the user home. Thus, the models running inside of the container reuse the license activated on the host machine.
The Fast Model version and package used for creating the Docker image and wrapper scripts
is configured in the file fvprc
. If one wants to use another model version or custom package
one can just change the values stored in this file.
Alternatively, on can set the model version for example as an environment variable overwriting
the default given in fvprc
. The following settings can be changed:
- FVP_VERSION: The release version triple (major.minor.patch).
- FVP_BASE_URL: The base download URL to get the model package from.
- FVP_ARCHIVE: The name of the model package archive to fetch.
The download URL is composed as ${FVP_BASE_URL}/${FVP_VERSION}/${FVP_ARCHIVE}
The created Docker image is labeled as fvp:${FVP_VERSION}
. Hence, one can keep multiple versions
in parallel and switch between them by just setting the environment variable to the required version.
FVP_VERSION=11.22.39 FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M3 --version
The repository contains the following files:
┣ 📂 bin Created/updated by script
┣ 📄 The script to build a Docker image
┣ 📄 dockerfile The recipe used to build the Docker image
┣ 📄 The wrapper script to launch a model executable inside a Docker container
┗ 📄 fvprc The configuration file to customize default model version and package