Issues or pull requests awaiting reply from an individual before it may be addressed
Use this label when you want to request any changes
Contributions are welcome
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Include this label if you want to give feedback
Issues we believe are simple and a good first stab at contributing to the project
Indicates issues and PRs related to Hacktoberfest
Indicates issues and PRs related to Hacktoberfest 2022
Indicates to Hacktoberfest that a PR has been accepted by a maintainer
Issues we would like help from the community to resolve
Illustrations that have been outdated, these can be entire pack missing altogether
There is an ongoing discussion that should be finished before we can continue
Issue or pull request where the required information is either incomplete or missing altogether
Issues or pull requests for adding a new illustration
Issues or pull requests that are beyond the scope of the project
Issues that request the removal of an illustration
Indicates to Hacktoberfest that a PR should not be counted
Include this label if you want to suggest anything
Working on this issue will give you better rewards.
The priority of this issue is urgent
This will not be worked on