Small and funny telegram bot which convert photos like a polaroid camera
1 - Install Docker
2 - Clone this repo
3 - make or GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make
4 - Setup config.json bot configuration file by example
"bot_token" : "Telegram bot token",
"bot_proxy_url" : "SOCK5 proxy url (optional if needed)",
"bot_proxy_login" : "SOCK5 proxy login (optional if use proxy auth)",
"bot_proxy_password" : "SOCK5 proxy login (optional if use proxy auth)",
"bot_temp_dir" : "/tmp/picture_folder (or any other existing directory)",
"font_path" : "./static/fonts/wqy-zenhei.ttf (You can use OS system ttf fonts)",
"background_path" : "./static/images/background.png (Path to polaroid camera background)"
5 - Run the bot ./pupok-polaroid-bot %path_to_config% (without parameter if config placed in the same directory)
6 - Send /start command to the bot