Stupid tool used to sync secrets.
Build with :
docker build -t tls-updater:0.0.1 .
You can also pull an already built image from docker hub:
docker pull docker push andreanicola/tls-updater:0.0.1
Apply the k8s the manifest attached with this repo (kubernetes-manifest.yaml)
The only environment variabile you must take care of is "IN_CLUSTER". Set this variable to "true" if you're deploying this container in a kubernetes cluster. If you're not setting this variable of setting it to "false" the container will look for a kubeconfig file in the default path :-)
The tool will look for all secrets (in all namespaces) labelled with the label
tls-updater: 'true'
Add an annotation to your secret (tls-updater-dests) containing the names of the secret that must be synced. The secrets MUST be in the same namespace of the original secret.
A corrected configured tls secret should look like this one:
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: original-secret
namespace: secret-namespace
tls-updater: 'true'
tls-updater-dests: destination-tls-secret-0,destination-tls-secret-1
tls.crt: >-
tls.key: >-
You can see a sample with some secrets to sync in tls-sample.secret.yaml file.
When you will apply this configuration the operator will copy the key-pairs, from secret-0 to secrets 1 and 2, if they're not equals.
You will see this logs in the tls-updater pod when keypairs are not equals:
Secret created: secret-1. Checking TLS Cert...
Secret changed secret-1. Updating secret secret-2!!
Secret changed secret-1. Updating secret secret-3!!
If the keypair are equals the log will be similar to this:
Secret created: secret-1. Checking TLS Cert...
Secret secret-2 is synched with secret secret-1. Not updating keypair
Secret secret-3 is synched with secret secret-1. Not updating keypair
Happy TLS Sync!