...a separate repo for all the examples of AlloSystem.
Status | Task |
DONE | Create this repository |
DONE | Copy all examples from AlloSystem and MAT201B |
DONE | Format all code to meet google standards |
DONE | Move all media files (e.g., wav, jpg, obj, bin) to LFS |
Make sure each example builds | |
Make sure each example works correctly | |
Add the correct license to this repo | |
Normalize header/provenance infomation in each file | |
Use doxygen to improve examples | |
Add "tags" (e.g., 2D, spatialization, lighting) to headers | |
? |
Works | File |
alloutil/cubemap.cpp | |
alloutil/fluid.cpp | |
alloutil/oit.cpp | |
alloutil/omni.cpp | |
alloutil/omniTextRendering.cpp | |
alloutil/omniWithFog.cpp | |
alloutil/showCubeMapFaces.cpp | |
alloutil/vbo_omni.cpp | |
alloutil/VCR.cpp | |
audioScene/audioScene.cpp | |
av/audioToGraphics.cpp | |
av/helloVirtualWorld.cpp | |
av/MsgTube.cpp | |
dependencies/broadcaster.cpp | |
dependencies/flags.cmake | |
graphics/2D.cpp | |
graphics/calibrate.cpp | |
graphics/camera.cpp | |
graphics/camera2.cpp | |
graphics/cieColor.cpp | |
graphics/displayList.cpp | |
graphics/fbo.cpp | |
graphics/font.cpp | |
graphics/frameFeedback.cpp | |
graphics/frontBack.cpp | |
graphics/frustumTesting.cpp | |
graphics/isosurface.cpp | |
graphics/lighting.cpp | |
graphics/meshManyShape.cpp | |
graphics/meshSquare.cpp | |
graphics/mirror.cpp | |
graphics/modelShader.cpp | |
graphics/omnigraphic.cpp | |
graphics/pickRay.cpp | |
graphics/platonics.cpp | |
graphics/pointSprites.cpp | |
graphics/query.cpp | |
graphics/renderDepthToTexture.cpp | |
graphics/renderToTexture.cpp | |
graphics/shaderFog.cpp | |
graphics/shaderPhong.cpp | |
graphics/shaderSprites.cpp | |
graphics/shaderTexture.cpp | |
graphics/shapeGallery.cpp | |
graphics/stereographic.cpp | |
graphics/texture.cpp | |
graphics/texture3d.cpp | |
graphics/textureAlpha.cpp | |
graphics/textureImage.cpp | |
graphics/transformations.cpp | |
graphics/VBOManyShape.cpp | |
handouts/examples/animated_mesh.cpp | |
handouts/examples/audioScene.cpp | |
handouts/examples/cgal/cgal_points_and_segment.cpp | |
handouts/examples/cgal/flags.cmake | |
handouts/examples/cgal/README.md | |
handouts/examples/cuttlebone/app_simulator_master.cpp | |
handouts/examples/cuttlebone/common.hpp | |
handouts/examples/cuttlebone/flags.cmake | |
handouts/examples/cuttlebone/laptop_graphics_renderer.cpp | |
handouts/examples/decaying_sine.cpp | |
handouts/examples/fft_of_a_grain.cpp | |
handouts/examples/flocking.cpp | |
handouts/examples/follow_envelope.cpp | |
handouts/examples/fragment_image.cpp | |
handouts/examples/gamma_tbl_for_window_functions.cpp | |
handouts/examples/how_to_spawn_a_thread.cpp | |
handouts/examples/how_to_use_mesh.cpp | |
handouts/examples/how_to_use_mesh2.cpp | |
handouts/examples/image_ring.cpp | |
handouts/examples/lerp.cpp | |
handouts/examples/lightning.cpp | |
handouts/examples/loading_and_displaying_multiple_images.cpp | |
handouts/examples/maxmsp/noise+sine_60ch.maxpat | |
handouts/examples/maxmsp/README.md | |
handouts/examples/maxmsp/renderer_allosphere.cpp | |
handouts/examples/maxmsp/simulator.maxpat | |
handouts/examples/measure_dt_variation.cpp | |
handouts/examples/molecule.cpp | |
handouts/examples/play_sample.cpp | |
handouts/examples/pulse.cpp | |
handouts/examples/save_sine_sweep.cpp | |
handouts/examples/shader_point_cloud.cpp | |
handouts/examples/shadertoy.cpp | |
handouts/examples/snapshot.cpp | |
handouts/examples/sphere_audio.cpp | |
handouts/examples/sphere_in_sphere.cpp | |
handouts/examples/stft.cpp | |
handouts/examples/text.cpp | |
handouts/examples/textured_background.cpp | |
handouts/examples/textured_cylinder.cpp | |
handouts/examples/textured_mesh.cpp | |
handouts/examples/textured_triangle.cpp | |
handouts/examples/toward_flocking.cpp | |
handouts/examples/use_pick_ray.cpp | |
handouts/examples/why_on_animate_exists/the_right_way.cpp | |
handouts/examples/why_on_animate_exists/the_wrong_way.cpp | |
handouts/granular/granular_00.cpp | |
handouts/granular/granular_01.cpp | |
handouts/granular/granular_02.cpp | |
handouts/granular/granular_03.cpp | |
handouts/hw1/hw1_starter_code.cpp | |
handouts/hw1/hw1_starter_code_heavily_commented.cpp | |
handouts/hw1/p1_minimal_solution.cpp | |
handouts/hw1/p2_karls_solution.cpp | |
handouts/hw2/media/alphaville.wav | |
handouts/hw2/media/chart.png | |
handouts/hw2/p1.cpp | |
handouts/hw2/p1_file_list.cpp | |
handouts/hw2/p2.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/common.hpp | |
handouts/hw4/old_sim.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/renderer.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/renderer_allosphere.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/simulator.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/00_homework1_solution.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/01_add_cuttlebone_maker.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/02_create_new_cuttlebone_renderer.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/03_common.hpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/04_update_cuttlebone_simulator.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/05_update_cuttlebone_renderer.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/06_common_with_positions.hpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/07_make_simulator_broadcast_positions.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/08_make_renderer_receive_positions.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/09_common_complete.hpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/10_make_simulator_broadcast_more.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/11_make_renderer_receive_more.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/12_make_renderer_for_allosphere.cpp | |
handouts/hw4/steps/13_make_simulator_complete.cpp | |
handouts/shaders/basic.vert | |
handouts/shaders/color.frag | |
handouts/shaders/tweets.frag | |
handouts/shaders/waves.frag | |
handouts/steps/step_00.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_01.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_02.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_03.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_04.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_05.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_06.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_07.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_07i.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_08.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_09.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_09_printmousedrag.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_10.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_10i.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_11.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_12.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_13.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_14.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_15.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_16.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_17.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_17i.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_18.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_19.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_20.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_21.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_22.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_23.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_24.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_25.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_26.cpp | |
handouts/steps/step_27.cpp | |
io/AllocoreTest/audio.lua | |
io/AllocoreTest/Interface.lua | |
io/AllocoreTest/joystick.lua | |
io/appSimple.cpp | |
io/audioDevice.cpp | |
io/bluetooth.cpp | |
io/DeviceServer.cpp | |
io/HID.cpp | |
io/Interface.Server.cpp | |
io/midiIn.cpp | |
io/midiInApp.cpp | |
io/OSC.cpp | |
io/OSCClient.cpp | |
io/OSCServer.cpp | |
io/prettyVec.cpp | |
io/renderToDisk.cpp | |
io/searchPaths.cpp | |
io/serial.cpp | |
io/socket.cpp | |
io/window.cpp | |
io/zeroconf.cpp | |
math/matrix.cpp | |
math/random.cpp | |
math/vector.cpp | |
multifile/multifile.cpp | |
multifile/mywindow.cpp | |
multifile/mywindow.hpp | |
mysql/dependencies | |
mysql/flags.cmake | |
mysql/Inconsolata.otf | |
mysql/mysql.cpp | |
mysql/README.md | |
openni/dependencies | |
openni/flags.cmake | |
openni/README.md | |
openni/simpleViewer.cpp | |
raycaster/rayApp_shaderFromFile.cpp | |
raycaster/rayApp_shaderFromString.cpp | |
raycaster/toroid.frag | |
raycaster/toroid.vert | |
simulation/flocking.cpp | |
simulation/gravityWell.cpp | |
simulation/levyFlight.cpp | |
simulation/mrc.cpp | |
simulation/particleSystem.cpp | |
simulation/waveEquation.cpp | |
sound/ambiPlayer.cpp | |
sound/audioScene.cpp | |
sound/multiFilePlayer.cpp | |
sound/probe.cpp | |
sound/reverb.cpp | |
sound/speakerTest.cpp | |
sound/vbap.cpp | |
spatial/hashSpace.cpp | |
spatial/sliceassembler.cpp | |
spatial/voxels.cpp | |
system/parallelThreads.cpp | |
system/thread.cpp | |
system/threadPeriodic.cpp | |
ui/boundingBox.cpp | |
ui/htmlInterface.cpp | |
ui/parameter.cpp | |
ui/parametermidi.cpp | |
ui/pickable.cpp | |
ui/pickableChildren.cpp | |
ui/presets.cpp | |
ui/recorder.cpp | |
ui/rotateHandle.cpp | |
ui/sequencer.cpp | |
ui/translateHandle.cpp | |
vtk/flags.cmake | |
vtk/vtk_example.cpp | |
vtk/vtk_omni_example.cpp |