This library provides the ability to create hierarchical page objects and access elements using plain-english selectors. Works on top of webdriverIO.
npm install @cucumber-e2e/po2
Lib provides getElement method that resolves plain-english selector and return webdriverIO element or array of webdriverIO element.
const { po } = require('@cucumber-e2e/po2');
When(/^click '(.+)'$/, async function (alias) {
const element = await po.getElement(alias);
await element.waitForClickable();
When click '#1 of Multiple Component > Child Item'
Lib provides capability to get single element from collection by index (#index of Collection) or inner text (#text in Collection).
Lib provides two methods $ and $$ that allow registering elements and collections. An element can be defined in form of webdriverIO selector or as an instance of the component class.
Each not top-level component should have selector element in form of webdriverIO selector.
const { $, $$ } = require('@cucumber-e2e/po2');
class MultipleComponent {
selector = '.list-components li';
ChildItem = $('div');
class SingleComponent {
selector = '.container';
ChildItem = $('.child-item');
class App {
SingleElement = $('.single-element');
List = $$('.list li');
SingleComponent = $(new SingleComponent());
MultipleComponents = $$(new MultipleComponent());
module.exports = new App();
Before using po object need to be initiated and hierarchy of elements needs to be registered The best place to do it is cucumber-js Before hook
const { po } = require('@cucumber-e2e/po2');
const pos = require('./app.js');
Before(async function() {
po.init(browser, { timeout: 10000 }); // browser is webdriverIO browser object
po.register(pos); // pos is page object hierarchy