This module provides two core types for building data structures that store physical properties pertinent to modeling biologic fibers.
To use this module you will need to add the following Julia packages to your implementation of BioFibers
using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "")
Pkg.add(url = "")
Pkg.add(url = "")
Pkg.add(url = "")
Abstract type Fiber
is the root type of all fiber types.
abstract type Fiber end
Type BioFiber
holds the physical data that describes a generic biologic fiber.
struct BioFiber <: Fiber
# structural property
ruptured::MBool # specifies if fiber has ruptured, or not
# physical property
ϵf::PhysicalScalar # fracture strain
ρ::PhysicalScalar # mass density g/cm³
# thermal properties
α::PhysicalScalar # thermal strain coefficient 1/°C
cₚ::PhysicalScalar # specific heat at constant P erg/(g⋅°C) = cm²/(s²⋅°C)
# Fiber properties in a reference configuration κᵣ:
# dimensional properties
Lᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference length cm
Aᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference cross-sectional area cm²
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: causes
θᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference temperature °C
σᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference (residual) stress g/(cm⋅s²)
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: effects
ηᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference entropy per unit mass cm²/(s²⋅°C)
ϵᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference strain
# Fiber properties in the initial configurations κ₀:
# dimensional properties
L₀::PhysicalScalar # initial length cm
A₀::PhysicalScalar # initial cross-sectional area cm²
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: causes
θ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial temperature °C
σ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial stress g/(cm⋅s²)
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: effects
η₀::PhysicalScalar # initial entropy per unit mass cm²/(s²⋅°C)
ϵ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial strain
To make a shallow copy of an instance of type BioFiber
function Base.:(copy)(f::BioFiber)::BioFiber
To make a deep copy of an instance of type BioFiber
function Base.:(deepcopy)(f::BioFiber)::BioFiber
To convert an instance of type BioFiber
into a String
function toString(f::BioFiber;
where the keyword format
is a character that, whenever its value is 'E' or 'e', will represent scalar fields in scientific notation; otherwise, they will be represented in fixed-point notation. Keyword precision
specifies the number of significant digits to be shown, which can accept values from the set {3…7}. Keyword aligned
, when set to true
, will add a white space in front of any non-negative scalar string representation, e.g., this could be useful when printing out a matrix of scalars; otherwise, there is no leading white space in its string representation, which is the default.
Abstract type Chord
is the root type for all chords. A chord is a mixture of fibers.
abstract type Chord end
Alveolar chords are comprised of collagen and elastin fibers loaded in parallel with weak mechanical coupling between them. Type AlveolarChord
holds the physical data that describes a generic alveolar chord.
struct AlveolarChord <: Chord
# fibers of the chord
fᶜ::Fiber # collagen fiber in the alveolar chord
fᵉ::Fiber # elastin fiber in the alveolar chord
# structural property
ruptured::MBool # specifies if fiber has ruptured, or not
# physical properties
ρ::PhysicalScalar # mass density g/cm³
ϕᶜ::PhysicalScalar # volume fraction of collagen
# Chordal properties in a reference configuration κᵣ:
# dimensional properties
Lᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference length cm
Aᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference cross-sectional area cm²
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: causes
θᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference temperature °C
σᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference (residual) stress g/(cm⋅s²)
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: effects
ηᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference entropy per unit mass cm²/(s²⋅°C)
ϵᵣ::PhysicalScalar # reference strain
# Chordal properties in the initial configurations κ₀:
# dimensional properties
L₀::PhysicalScalar # initial length cm
A₀::PhysicalScalar # initial cross-sectional area cm²
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: causes
θ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial temperature °C
σ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial stress g/(cm⋅s²)
# thermodynamic conjugate fields: effects
η₀::PhysicalScalar # initial entropy per unit mass cm²/(s²⋅°C)
ϵ₀::PhysicalScalar # initial strain
To make a shallow copy of an instance of type AlveolarChord
function Base.:(copy)(ac::AlveolarChord)::AlveolarChord
To make a deep copy of an instance of type AlveolarChord
function Base.:(deepcopy)(ac::AlveolarChord)::AlveolarChord
To convert an instance of type AlveolarChord
into a String
function toString(ac::AlveolarChord;
where the keyword format
is a character that, whenever its value is 'E' or 'e', will represents scalars in scientific notation; otherwise, they will be represented in fixed-point notation. Keyword precision
specifies the number of significant digits to be shown, which can accept values from the set {3…7}. Keyword aligned
, when set to true
, will add a white space in front of any non-negative scalar string representation, e.g., this could be useful when printing out a matrix of scalars; otherwise, there is no leading white space in its string representation, which is the default.
To create a new instance of type BioFiber
for modeling a collagen fiber in an alveolar chord:
function newCollagenFiber(Lᵣ::PhysicalScalar, L₀::PhysicalScalar)::BioFiber
where Lᵣ
is its length in the reference (strain-free) configuration κᵣ, while L₀
is its length in an initial configuration κ₀ of analysis, which is typically distinct from κᵣ.
To create a new instance of type BioFiber
for modeling an elastin fiber in an alveolar chord:
function newElastinFiber(Lᵣ::PhysicalScalar, L₀::PhysicalScalar)::BioFiber
where Lᵣ
is its length in the reference (strain-free) configuration κᵣ, while L₀
is its length in an initial configuration κ₀ of analysis, which is typically distinct from κᵣ.
To create a new instance of type AlveolarChord
function newAlveolarChord(Lᵣ::PhysicalScalar, L₀::PhysicalScalar)::AlveolarChord
where Lᵣ
is its chordal length in the reference (strain-free) configuration κᵣ, while L₀
is its chordal length in an initial configuration κ₀ of analysis, which is typically distinct from κᵣ.
These constructors will adjust Lᵣ
, if necessary, to ensure that Lᵣ
≤ L₀
so that these fibers cannot support negative strains in their initial configuration κ₀.