Apply steam skins Steam after the 2023-04-27 Chromium UI update
drag all the DLL files into the steam directory on your WINDOWS computer presumably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
from there run steam with the command line arguments -cef-enable-debugging
going off the template in the reposity, drag the skins folder into steamui in the steam directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamui
and from there follow the config.json settings in order to style your library
the settings.json is what controlls whether or not the console shows and what skin you have selected.
this is just a prototype and its bound to have bugs, report them if possible to me ShadowMonster#5099
on discord.
as of now any discrepancies in any of the json files MAY cause a crash of the steam library to not skin.
valid your json before putting it into the files setting.json
or config.json
you need to install x86 version of the following libraries from vcpkg and compile in visual studio 2022
no further help will be provided on how to compile.