Character sheet management for Vampire: the Masquerade, written in Rust
cargo build --release
If you want to help out, I'd love if you open issues on GitHub, create Pull requests, or try the program and give me feedback in any way! If this is your first time working with code, check out First Time Contributing to an Open Source Project.
In order to do this, run the programm with the create
cargo run --release -- create
An interactive, command-line creation process starts that asks you a couple of questions and results in writing a JSON file as output.
cargo run --release -- print path/to/character.json
Prints (almost) all the character details noted in the file. (At the moment, this is not complete, but I'm working on that sometime soon)
Note Your character sheets have to be json files. They also must have the .json
file ending, or vampire-charact-rs will not recognise them or consider them character sheets. You should also not have any other json files in this directory, otherwise the program might try to read them and that could result in strange errors.
cargo run --release -- list path/to/a/directory
Lists out characters found in the directory by printing the player's and character's name for each character in the directory.
Contributors names and contact info
- Github: Ablesius
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
- The One App by Loic Hausammann - while the RPG system is very different, the whole idea of The One App is very similar to mine, so I draw, while not outright code, but a lot of inspiration from this!