This plugin allows AKP48Squared to connect to IRC servers.
This plugin is included by default on new installations of AKP48Squared. No further installation is needed.
You'll need to add a new server to your configuration file for each IRC server you need to connect to. An example is shown below.
"servers": [
"plugin": "irc",
"config": {
"server": "", // irc server
"nick": "MyCoolBot", // bot nick
"password": "Pa$$W0rd!", // bot password
"channels": [
"#MyCoolBot" // array of channels to join
"chanConfig": { // chanConfig is an object with properties for each channel. You can also define a "global" property.
"#MyCoolBot": {
"commandDelimiters": [
"users": {
"[email protected]": [
"alert": true // tells AKP48 that alerts should be sent to this channel.
If you come across any issues, you can report them on this GitHub repo here.