MinePlayer 是一款簡單的模組,提供使用者解析一個 Minecraft 玩家的資訊!
MinePlayer is a simple module that allows users to parse information about a Minecraft player!
INFO:root:=== Create a new player. ===
INFO:root:Player Sam510208 created.
INFO:root:=== Get the player's UUID. ===
INFO:root:Player Sam510208's UUID is 9ea020446a4c4e4686b8e5d0bde8ce56.
- 簡單易用 (Easy to use)
- 基於 GNU v3.0 開源 (Open Source based GNU v3.0)
- 支持所有相容於 CraftAvatar 的玩家頭像服務,並可自行決定 (Supports all CraftAvatar-compatible player avatar services at your discretion)
- 可取得幾乎所有 CraftAvatar 服務提供的頭像資源,甚至是玩家 Skin! (Get access to almost all avatar assets provided by the CraftAvatar service, even player Skins!)
import mineplayer
import logging
# Create a new player
logging.info("=== Create a new player. ===")
player = mineplayer.MinePlayer("Sam510208")
logging.info(f"Player {player.username} created.")
# Get the player's UUID
logging.info("=== Get the player's UUID. ===")
uuid = player.uuid
logging.info(f"Player {player.username}'s UUID is {uuid}.")
# Get the player's information
logging.info("=== Get the player's information. ===")
info = player.info
logging.info(f"Player {player.username}'s information is {info}.")
範例收錄於 test.py
- Thank you to Crafatar for providing avatars.
- Source of inspiration: 510208/yunyubot-dc-annou
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