A personal finance app that helps track your Accounts, Transactions, Budgets, Trends, and Goals all in one place.
- Create budgets and goals! 🥅
- Manage, create, delete, and add notes to transactions! 🗃️
- Check out useful views of your financial information! 📈
- Monitor trends in spending and income! 💸
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
You will need to configure the following API variables locally:
For the program to function on your local machine, create a postgresql database named "capstone".
More Database Details
In the absence of a DATABASE_URL variable defined in the .env file, the program will connect to the database defined at the following string:postgres://localhost:5432/${databaseName}
Here, databaseName is defined as the "name" property from the package.json file. The name of our project is "capstone" as is the name of the database we used for the project.
git clone https://github.com/2212-tyrannosuarus/capstone.git
cd my-project
npm install
npm run start:dev
Yao Guan | Miro Malebranche | Tasneem Patrawala | Chance Hemerda