A Task tracker Application
Task Tracker
- Microservices architecture using .net core
- Domain Driven Design ( domain models and events)
- Secured by identity using JWT
- Message based and Event based architecture using Service bus
- Ability to Unit test and do integration Testing
- Implement API gateway pattern
- CQRS pattern
- InMemory / distributed Caching
- Dockerization
As a User I should be able to register into the Task tracker system as an Admin
As an Admin User I should be able to to login to the task tracker system with an EmailID and Password used during registration.
As an Admin User I should be able to Add new User as Team Member to an existing Project in the system with an emailid and default password as “password”
As a Team Memberr I should be able to login to the system using the EmailID and default Password.
As a Team Member I should be able to change my default Password.
As an Admin User I should be able to create a new Sprint definition
- SprintID (String)
- StartDate
- EndDate
- CreatedDate
- CreatedBy
- LastModifiedDate
- LastModifiedBy
As an Admin User I should be able to create a New Project
- ProjectName
- ProjectDescription
- CreatedDate
- CreatedBy
- LastModifiedDate
- LastModifiedBy
As an Admin User I should be able to create a Feature within a Project
- FeatureName
- FeatureDescription
- ProjectID
- SprintID (String)
- Tags[]
- RankID
- FeatureOwnerID
- CreatedDate
- CreatedBy
- LastModifiedDate
- LastModifiedBy
As an Admin User I should be able to associate one or many tags to the Feature to aid filtration and search.
As an Team Member I should be able to create a Task within a Feature
- TaskName
- TaskDescription
- TaskOwnerID
- SprintID
- FeatureID
- ProjectID
- CurrentStatus [notstarted, wip, completed, ]
- CreatedDate
- CreatedBy
- LastModifiedDate
- LastModifiedBy
As an Team Member I should be able to list Tasks
As an Team Member I should be able to mark Task as started
As an Team Member I should be able to mark Task as Completed when already started and not already completed
As a Team Member I should be able to transfer task to a different Team member as its owner