The project adheres to Semantic Versioning, this applies to both hardware and software, where the same version is used for both.
Software remains backwards compatible with the hardware. Although some functionality may be missing when an older version of the board is used, the module will remain functional.
This also follows Semantic Versioning, e.g. board released under version v1.1.0 will work fine with software of v1.3.0. When compatibility is broken, the major version will be bumped, e.g. when software requires a new button on the board, the major version will be bumped from v1.1.0 to v2.0.0 and the software will not work anymore with older releases of the board.
Finally, releases with major version 0 may break any time.
All substantial changes are recorded in the To
release a new version of the module, versions in all Cargo.toml
files, PCB
layout, schematic and silkscreen on the board must be adjusted. The Unreleased
section of the changelog must be renamed to the relevant version.