Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Internal TzKT id. [sortable] | [optional] |
level | int | Level of the block, at which the event was emitted. [sortable] | [optional] |
timestamp | \DateTime | Timestamp of the block, at which the event was emitted. | [optional] |
contract | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\ContractEventContract | [optional] | |
code_hash | int | Hash of the contract code. | [optional] |
tag | string | Event tag. | [optional] |
payload | mixed | Event payload in human-readable JSON format. [sortable] | [optional] |
transaction_id | int | Internal TzKT id of the transaction operation, caused the event. | [optional] |
type | mixed | Michelson type of the payload. Must be explicitly selected | [optional] |
raw_payload | mixed | Payload in raw Micheline format. Must be explicitly selected | [optional] |