= The Nim memory model :toc: left :toclevels: 4 :icons: font :doctype: book :stylesheet: style.css :nofooter:
== Introduction
This is a small tutorial explaining how Nim stores data in memory. It will explain the essentials which every Nim programmer should know, but it will also dive deeper in the way Nim organizes its data structures like strings and seqs.
For most practical purposes, Nim will take care of all memory management for your program without bothering you with the details. As long as you stick to the safe parts of the language, you will rarely have to work with memory addresses, or make explicit memory allocations. This changes however when you want your Nim code to interop with external C code or C libraries - in this case you might need to know where and how your Nim objects are stored in memory so you can pass this to C, or you will need to know how to access C-allocated data to make it accessible by Nim.
The first parts of this document will be familiar to readers with a C or C++ background, as a lot of it is not unique to the Nim language. In contrast, some things might be new to programmers coming from dynamic languages like Python or Javascript, where memory handling is more abstracted away.
NOTE: Most -- if not all -- of this document applies to the C and C++ code generator, since the Javascript backend does not use raw memory but relies on Javascript objects instead.
== Computer memory basics
This section gives a brief and abstract introduction (warning: gross simplifications ahead!) about computer memory, and what it looks like from the point of view of a CPU and a computer program.
=== Word size
A computer's main memory (RAM) consists of a lot of memory locations, each of which has an unique address. Depending on the CPU architecture the size of each memory location (the "word size") typically varies between one byte (8 bit) to eight bytes (64 bit), while the CPU is usually also able to access large words as smaller chunks. Some architectures can read and write memory from arbitrary addresses, while others can only access memory at addresses which are a multiple of the word size.
The CPU accesses memory using specific instructions that allow it to read or write data of a given word size from or to a given address. For example, it might store the value 0x12345 as a 32 bit number at address 0x100000. The low level assembly instruction for doing this might look something like this:
mov [0x100000], 0x12345
This is what the memory on address 0x100000 will look like after the above instruction completes, with each column representing a byte:
00 01 02 03 04
0x100000 | 00 | 01 | 23 | 45 | .. +----+----+----+----+----
=== Endianess
To complicate things a bit more, the actual order of bytes within a word varies between CPU types - some CPUs put the most significant byte first, while others put the least significant byte first. This is called the endianess of a CPU.
Most CPUs these days (Intel compatible, x86, amd64, most ARM families) are little endian. The integer 0x1234 is stored with the least significant byte first:
00 01 +----+----+ | 34 | 12 | +----+----+
Some other CPUs like Freescale or OpenRISC are big endian. The integer 0x1234 is stored with the most significant byte first. Most network protocols serialize data in big endian order when sending it out on the network; this is why big endian is also know as network endian:
00 01 +----+----+ | 12 | 34 | +----+----+
Most important of all: if you want to write portable code, do not ever make any assumptions about your machines endianess when writing binary data to disk or over the network and make sure to explicitly convert your data to the proper endianess.
== Two ways to organize memory
Traditionally, C programs use two common methods used for organizing objects in computer memory: the stack and the heap. Both methods serve different purposes and have very different characteristics. Nim code is compiled to C or C++ code, so Nim naturally shares the memory model of these languages.
=== The stack
A stack is a region of memory where data is always added and removed from one end. This is called "last-in-first-out" (LIFO).
==== Stack theory
A good analogy for a stack is a stack of plates in a restaurant kitchen: new plates are taken out of the dishwasher and added on top; when plates are needed, they are also taken from the top. Plates are never inserted halfway or on the bottom, and plates are never taken from the middle or bottom of the stack.
For historical reasons, computer stacks usually work top down: new data is added to and removed from the bottom of the stack, but this does not change the mechanism itself.
+--------------+ <-- stack top | | | in use | | | | | +--------------+ <-- stack pointer | | | | | new data added : free : v on the bottom
The administration for a stack is pretty simple: the program needs to keep track of only one address which points to the current stack bottom -- this is commonly know as the stack pointer. When data is added to the stack, it is copied in place and the stack pointer is decreased. When data is removed from the stack, it is copied out and the stack pointer is again increased.
==== Stacks in practice
In Nim, C and most other compiled languages, the stack is used for two different purposes:
first it is used as a place to store temporary local variables. These variables only exist in a function as long as the function is active (i.e. it has not returned).
the compiler also uses the stack for a different kind of bookkeeping: every time a function is called, the address of the next instruction after the
instruction is placed on the stack -- this is the return address. When the function returns, it finds that address on the stack, and jumps to it.
The combination data of the above two mechanisms make up a stack frame: this is a section of the stack which holds the return address of the current active function, together with all its local variables.
During program execution, this is what the stack will look like if your program is nested two functions deep:
+----------------+ <-- stack top | return address | | variable | <-- stack frame #1 | variable | | ... | +----------------+ | return address | | variable | <-- stack frame #2 | ... | +----------------+ <-- stack pointer | free | : :
Using the stack for both data and return addresses is a pretty neat trick and has the nice side effect of offering automatic storage allocation and cleanup for data in a program.
Stacks also work nicely with threads: each thread simply has its own stack, storing its own local variables and holding is own stack frames.
Now you know where Nim gets the information from when it generates a stack trace when it hits a run time error or exception: It will find the address of the innermost active function on the stack, and print its name. Then it goes looking further up the stack for the next level active function, all the way to the top.
=== The heap
Next to the stack, the heap is the other place to store data in a computer program. While the stack is typically used to hold local variables, the heap can be used for more dynamic storage.
==== Heap theory
A heap is a region of memory which is a bit like a warehouse. The memory region is called the arena:
: : ^ heap can grow at the top | | | | | | free! | <--- The heap arena | | | | +--------------+
When a program wants to store data, it will first calculate how much storage it will need. It will then go to the warehouse clerk (the memory allocator) and request a place to store the data. The clerk has a ledger where it keeps track of all allocations in the warehouse, and it will find a free spot that is large enough to fit the data. It will then make an entry in the ledger that the area at that address and size is now taken, and it returns the address to the program. The program can now store and retrieve its data from this area in memory at will.
: : | free | | | +--------------+ | allocated | <--- allocation address +--------------+
The above process can be repeated, allocating other blocks on the heap, some of different sizes:
: : | free | +--------------+ | | | allocated #3 | | | +--------------+ | allocated #2 | +--------------+ | allocated #1 | +--------------+
When the data block is no longer used, the program will tell the memory allocator the address of the block. The allocator looks up the address in the ledger, and removes the entry. This block is now free for future use. This is what the above picture looks like when block #2 is released:
: : | free | +--------------+ | | | allocated #3 | | | +--------------+ | free | <-- There's a hole in the heap! +--------------+ | allocated #1 | +--------------+
As you can see, the freeing of block #2 now leaves a hole in the heap, which might lead to problems in the future. Consider the next allocation request:
If the size of the next allocation is smaller then the size of the hole, the allocator might reuse the free space in the hole; but since the new request is smaller, a new smaller hole will be left after the new block
If the size of the next allocation is bigger then the size of the hole, the allocator has to find a bigger free spot somewhere, leaving the hole open.
The only way to effectively reuse the hole is if the next allocation is of the exact same size of the hole.
Heavy use of a heap with a lot of different sized objects might lead to a phenomenon called fragmentation. This means that the allocator is not able to effectively use 100% of the arena size to fulfil allocation requests, effectively wasting a part of the available memory.
==== The heap in practice
In Nim, all your data is stored on the stack, unless you explicitly request it
to go on the heap: the new()
proc is typically used allocate memory on the
heap for a new object:
type Thing = object a: int
The above snippet will allocate memory on the heap to store an object of type
The address of the newly allocated memory block is returned by new
which is now of type ref Thing
. A ref
is a special kind of pointer which is
generally managed by Nim for you. More on this in the section
== Memory organization in Nim
As long as you stick to the safe parts of the language, Nim will take care of managing memory allocations for you. It will make sure your data is stored at the appropriate place, and freed when you no longer need it. However, if the need arises, Nim offers you full control as well, allowing you to choose exactly how and where to store your data.
Nim offers some handy functions to allow you to inspect how your data is organized in memory. These will be used in the examples in the sections below to inspect how and where Nim stores your data:
:: This proc returns the address of variable x
. For a variable of
type T
, its address will have type ptr T
:: This proc is basically the same as addr()
, but it can be
used even if Nim thinks it would not be safe to get the address
of an object -- more on this later.
:: Returns the size of variable x
in bytes
:: Returns the string representation of the type of variable x
The result of addr(x)
and unsafeAddr(x)
on an object of type T
has a
result of type ptr T
. Nim does not know how to print this by default, so we
will make use of repr()
to nicely format the type for us:
var a: int echo a.addr.repr
=== Using pointers
Basically, a pointer is nothing more then a special type of variable which holds a memory address -- it points to something else in memory. As briefly mentioned above, there are two types of pointers in Nim:
ptr T
for untraced references, aka pointersref T
for traced references, for memory that is managed by Nim
The ptr T
pointer type is considered unsafe. Pointers point to manually
allocated objects or to objects somewhere else in memory, and it is your task
as a programmer to make sure your pointers always point to valid data.
When you want to access the data in the memory that the pointer points to -- the contents of the address with that numerical index -- you need to dereference (or in short, deref) the pointer.
In Nim you can use an empty array subscript []
to do this, analogous to using
the *
prefix operator in C. The snippet below shows how to create an alias to
an int and change its value.
<1> Here a normal variable a
is declared and initialized with the value 20
<2> p
is a pointer of type ptr int
, pointing to the address of int a
<3> The []
operator is used to dereference the pointer p. As p
is a pointer
of type ptr int
which points to the memory address where a
is stored,
dereferenced variable p[]
is again of type int. The variables a
and p[]
now refer to the exact same memory location, so assigning a value to p[]
will also change the value of a
For object or tuple access, Nim will perform automatic dereferencing for you:
the normal .
access operator can be used just as with a normal object.
=== The stack: local variables
Local variables (also called automatic variables) are the default method by which Nim stores your variables and data.
Nim will reserve space for your variable on the stack, and it will stay there as long as it is in scope. In practice, this means that the variable will exist as long as the function in which it is declared does not return. As soon as the function returns the stack unwinds and the variables are gone.
Here are some examples of variables which will be stored on the stack:
type Thing = object a, b: int
=== Traced references and the garbage collector
In the previous sections we saw that pointers in Nim as returned by addr()
are of the type ptr T
, but we saw that new
returns a ref T
While both ptr
and ref
are pointers to data, there is an important
difference between the two:
ptr T
is just a pointer -- a variable holding an address which points to data living elsewhere. You as the programmer are responsible for making sure this pointer is referencing to valid memory when you use it. -
ref T
is a traced reference: this also is an address pointing to something else, but Nim will keep track of data it points to for you, and make sure this will be freed when it is no longer needed.
The only way to acquire a ref T
pointer is to allocate the memory using the
proc. Nim will reserve the memory for you, and also will start keeping
track of where in the code this data is referenced. When the Nim runtime sees
that the data is no longer referred to, it knows it is safe to discard it and
it will automatically free it for you. This is known as garbage collection,
or GC for short.
== How Nim stores data in memory
This section will show some experiments where we investigate how Nim stores various data types in memory.
=== Primitive types
A primitive or scalar type is a "single" value like an int
, a bool
or a
. Scalars are usually kept on the stack, unless they are part of a
container type like an object.
Let's see how Nim manages memory for primitive types for us. The snippet below
first creates a variable a
of type int
and prints this variable and its
size. Then it will create a second variable b
of type ptr int
which is
called a pointer, and now holds the address of variable a
var a = 9 echo a.repr echo sizeof(a)
On my machine I might get the following output:
9 <1> 8 <2> ptr 0x300000 --> 9 <3> 8 <4>
<1> No surprise here: this is the value of variable a
<2> This is the size of the variable, in bytes. 8 bytes makes 64 bits, which
happens to be the default size for int
types in Nim on my machine. So far
so good.
<3> This line shows a representation of variable b
. b
holds the address
of variable a
, which happens to live at address 0x300000
. In Nim an
address is known as a ref or a pointer.
<4> b
itself is also a variable, which is not of the type ptr int
. On
my machine memory addresses also have a size of 64 bit, which equals 8
The above can be represented by the following diagram:
0x??????: | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 30 | 00 | 00 | 00 | b: ptr int = +---------------------------------------+ 0x300000 | | v +---------------------------------------+ 0x300000: | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 09 | a: int = 9 +---------------------------------------+
=== Compound types: objects
Let's put a more complicated object on the stack and see what happens:
type Thing = object <1> a: uint32 b: uint8 c: uint16
var t: Thing <2>
echo "size t.a ", t.a.sizeof echo "size t.b ", t.b.sizeof echo "size t.c ", t.c.sizeof echo "size t ", t.sizeof <3>
echo "addr t.a ", t.a.addr.repr echo "addr t.b ", t.b.addr.repr echo "addr t.c ", t.c.addr.repr echo "addr t ", t.addr.repr <4>
<1> The definition of our object type Thing
, which holds integers of various
<2> Create a variable t
of type Thing
<3> Print the size of t
and all its fields
<4> Print the address of t
and all its fields
In Nim, an object is just a way of grouping variables into a handy container, making sure they are placed next to each other in memory the same way as C would do.
Here is the output on my machine:
size t.a 4 <1> size t.b 1 size t.c 2 size t 8 <2> addr t ptr 0x300000 --> [a = 0, b = 0, c = 0] <3> addr t.a ptr 0x300000 --> 0 <4> addr t.b ptr 0x300004 --> 0 addr t.c ptr 0x300006 --> 0 <5>
Lets go through the output:
<1> First get the size of fields of the object. a
was declared as an uint32
, which
is 4 bytes big, b
is an uint8
which is 1 byte, and c
is an uint16
which is 2 bytes
big. check!
<2> Here is a bit of a surprise: print the size of the container object t
, which seems
to be 8 bytes big. But that does not add up, as the contents of the object is
only 4+1+2 = 7 bytes! More on this below.
<3> Let's get the address of the object t
: on my machine it was placed on
address 0x300000
on the stack.
<4> Here we can see that the field t.a
lies at exactly the same place in memory as the object
itself: 0x300000
. The address of t.b
is 0x300004
, which is 4
bytes after t.a
. That makes sense, since t.a
is four bytes big.
<5> The address of t.c
is 0x300006
, which is 2 (!) bytes after t.b
, but t.b
is only
one byte big?
So, let's draw a little picture of what we have learned from the above:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
0x300000: | a | b | ?? | c | +-------------------+----+----+---------+ ^ ^ ^ | | | address of addr addr t and t.a of t.b of t.c
So this is what our Thing
object looks like in memory. So what is up with
the hole marked ??
at offset 5, and why is the total size not 7 but 8 bytes?
This is caused by something the compiler does which is called alignment, to make it easier for the CPU to access the data in memory. By making sure objects are nicely aligned in memory at a multiple of their size (or a multiple of the architecture's word size), the CPU can access the memory more efficiently. This usually results in faster code, at the price of wasting some memory.
(You can hint the Nim compiler not to do alignment but to place the fields of
an object back-to-back in memory using the {.packed.}
pragma -- refer to the
link:https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/manual.html#[Nim language manual] for details)
=== Strings and seqs
The above sections described how Nim manages relativily simple static objects in memory. This section will go into the implementation of more complex and dynamic data types which are part of the Nim language: strings and seqs.
In Nim, the string
and seq
data types are closely related. These are
basically a long row of objects of the same type (chars for a strings, any
other type for seqs). What is different for these types is that they can
dynamically grow or shrink in memory.
==== Let's talk about seqs
Lets create a seq
and do some experiments with it:
Let's ask Nim what the type of variable a
We see the type is seq[int]
, which is what was expected.
Now, lets add some code to see how Nim stores the data:
And here is the output on my machine:
ptr 0x300000 --> 0x900000@[0x30, 0x40, 0x50] <1> 3 <2> ptr 0x900010 --> 0x30 <3> ptr 0x900018 --> 0x40 <4>
What can be deduced from this?
<1> The variable a
itself is placed on the stack, which happens to be at
address 0x300000
on my machine. A is some kind of pointer that points to
address 0x900000
which is on the heap! And this is where the actual seq
<2> This seq contains 3 elements, just as it should be.
<3> a[0]
is the first element of the seq. Its value is 0x30
, and i is stored
at address 0x900010
, which is right after the seq itself
<4> The second item in the seq is a[1]
, which is placed at address 0x900018
This makes perfect sense, as the size of an int
is 8 bytes, and all
ints in the seq are placed back-to-back in memory.
Let's make a little drawing again. We know a
is a pointer living on the
stack, which refers to something on the heap with a size of 16 bytes, followed
by the elements of our seq:
0x300000 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 90 | 00 | 00 | 00 | a: seq[int] +---------------------------------------+ | heap v +---------------------------------------+ 0x900000 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | +---------------------------------------+ 0x900008 | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | +---------------------------------------+ 0x900010 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 30 | a[0] = 0x30 +---------------------------------------+ 0x900018 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 40 | a[1] = 0x40 +---------------------------------------+ 0x900020 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 50 | a[2] = 0x50 +---------------------------------------+
This almost explains all of the seq, except for the 16 unknown bytes at the start of the block: this area is where Nim stores its internal information about the seq.
This data is normally hidden from the user, but you can simply find the implementation of this header in the Nim system library, and it looks like this:
<1> The len
field is used by Nim to store the current length of the seq -
that is how many elements are in it.
<2> The reserved
field is used to keep track of the actual size of the storage
inside the seq -- for performance reasons Nim might reserve a larger space
ahead of time to avoid resizing the seq when new items need to be added.
Let's do a little experiment to inspect what is in the our seq header (unsafe code ahead!):
type TGenericSeq = object <1> len, reserved: int
var a = @[10, 20, 30] var b = castptr TGenericSeq <2> echo b.repr
<1> The original TGenericSeq
object is not exported from the system lib, so
here the same object is defined
<2> Here the variable a
is casted to the TGenericSeq
When we print the result with echo b.repr
, the output looks like this:
There we have it: Our seq has a size of 3, and has reserved space for 3 elements in total. The next section will explain what happens when more fields are added to a seq.
==== Growing a seq
The snippet below starts with the same seq, and then adds new elements. Each iteration it will print the seq header:
type TGenericSeq = object len, reserved: int
var a = @[10, 20, 30]
for i in 0..4: echo castptr TGenericSeq.repr a.add i
Here is the output, see if you can spot the interesting bits:
ptr 0x900000 --> [len = 3, reserved = 3] <1> ptr 0x900070 --> [len = 4, reserved = 6] <2> ptr 0x900070 --> [len = 5, reserved = 6] <3> ptr 0x900070 --> [len = 6, reserved = 6] ptr 0x9000d0 --> [len = 7, reserved = 12] <4>
<1> This is the original 3 element seq: it is stored on the heap at
address 0x900000
, has a length of 3 elements, and reserved storage for
3 elements as well
<2> One element was added, and a few notable things have happened:
- the `len` field is increased to 4, which makes perfect sense because the
seq now holds 4 elements
- the `reserved` field increased from 3 to 6. This is because Nim
doubles the storage size when doing a new allocation - this is more
efficient when repeatedly adding data without having to resize the
allocation for every `add()`
- note that the address of the seq itself also changed! The reason for
this is that the inital memory allocation for the seq data on the heap
was not large enough to fit the new element, so Nim had to find a larger
chunk of memory to hold the data. It is likely that the allocator already
reserved the area directly behind the seq to something else, so it was
not possible to grow this area. Instead, a new allocation somewhere else
on the heap was made, the old data of the seq was copied from the old
location to the new location, and the new element was added.
<3> When adding the 4th element above, Nim resized the seq storage to hold 6 elements -- this allows adding two more elements without having to make a larger allocation. There are now 6 elements placed in the seq, with a total reserved size for 6 elements.
<4> And here the same happens once more: The block is not large enough to fit the 7th item, so the whole seq is moved to another place, and the allocation is scaled up to hold 12 elements.
== Conclusion
This document only scratched the surface of how Nim's handles memory, there is a lot more to tell. Here are some subjects I think also deserve a chapter one day, but which I didn't come to write yet:
A more elaborate discussion on garbage collection, and the available GC flavours in Nim.
Using Nim without a garbage collector / embedded systems with tight memory.
The new Nim runtime!
Memory usage in closures/iterators/async -- locals do not always go on the stack.
FFI: Discussion and examples of passing data between C and Nim.
This is a document in progress, any comments are much appreciated. The source can be found on github at https://github.com/zevv/nim-memory