Creates a React component by mapping an observable stream of props to a stream of React nodes (vdom).
You can think of propsToReactNode as a function f such that
const vdom$ = f(props$)
where props$ is a stream of props and vdom$ is a stream of React nodes. This formulation similar to the popular notion of React views as a function, often communicated as
v = f(d)
propsToReactNode: (props$: Observable<object>) => Observable<ReactNode>
): InfernoComponent
const Counter = componentFromStream(props$ => {
const { handler: increment, stream: increment$ } = createEventHandler()
const { handler: decrement, stream: decrement$ } = createEventHandler()
const count$ = Observable.merge(
.scan((count, n) => count + n, 0)
return props$.combineLatest(
(props, count) =>
<div {...props}>
Count: {count}
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>-</button>