Plugins MUST add their plugin mapping to under their app's config.xml <plugins> key, see your plugin's README e.g.
<plugin name="MyPluginName" value="MyPluginClass" />
Plugins MUST add any external hosts they connect to to the white-list in config.xml - see the Domain Whitelist Guide, e.g.
<access origin="www.apache.org" />
A plugin's Objective-C code MUST be added to the project properly in a "group" (YELLOW folder), if you incorrectly added it as a folder reference it would be a blue folder (just delete the reference, and re-add)
Please see the Cordova Plugin Upgrade Guide.md document included in the guides sub-folder in the source distribution
- Please see the Upgrading Cordova iOS document on http://docs.cordova.io
- See the FAQ in the README.md as well included in the source distribution
Follow the instructions in the Command-Line Usage section of http://docs.cordova.io
That's it! Modify the contents of the "www" directory to add your HTML, CSS and JavaScript.