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File metadata and controls

140 lines (78 loc) · 9.43 KB



全局变量(Global Variables)

  • UnLua::GLuaSrcRelativePath Lua源码文件相对于Content目录的相对路径 (Relative path of Lua script source files based on Content directory)

  • UnLua::GLuaSrcFullPath Lua源码文件所在的绝对路径 (Absolute path of Lua script source files)

  • FLuaContext::GLuaCxt 全局Lua上下文 (Global Lua context)

全局函数(Global Functions)

命名空间:UnLua (Namespace of UnLua)

  • Call 调用某个全局 function (Call a global function in Lua.)

  • CallTableFunc 调用全局 table 里的某个 function (Call a function in a given global table in Lua.)

  • Get 从Lua堆栈的某个索引位置上获取指定类型的数据 (Return a given type value from the Lua stack at the given index)

  • Push / PushXXX 向Lua堆栈中压入一个指定类型的数据 (Push a data with given type into the Lua stack)

  • IsType 判断Lua堆栈上指定索引位置上的对象类型 (Return the data in Lua stack at given index is the given type or not)

  • CreateStateGLuaCxt 创建一个 lua_State (Return global lua_State pointer created in FLuaContext class)

  • GetState 获取 GLuaCxt 中的 lua_State (Return the global lua_State pointer created by CreateState)

  • Startup 启动UnLua环境 (Call to start the UnLua, return true for success start, otherwise, return false)

  • Shutdown 停止UnLua环境 (Call to stop the UnLua)

  • LoadFile 从指定相对路径加载一个Lua文件,但不运行 (Call to load a Lua file with relative path based on Lua Script path without running it, return true if found the file and loaded successfully, otherwise return false)

  • RunFile 从指定相对路径运行一个Lua文件 (Call to load and run a Lua file, return true if loaded and run successfully, otherwise return false)

  • LoadChunk 加载一个Lua Chunk,但不运行 (Call to load a Lua chunk without running it, return true if loaded successfully, otherwise return false)

  • RunChunk 运行指定的Lua Chunk (Call to run a Lua chunk, return true if loaded successfully, otherwise return false)

  • ReportLuaCallError 报告Lua错误,如果注册了自定义错误处理委托则会仅执行委托,否则使用UnLua默认的 UE_LOG 输出 (Return Lua error, will excute the error delegate if the error delegate was bounded, otherwise will call UE_LOG to output the error.)

  • GetStackVariables 获取当前堆栈上所有相关的变量、upvalue 信息 (Get local variables and upvalues of the runtime stack.)

  • GetLuaCallStack 获取当前Lua调用栈的字符串 (Get the call stack of the running lua_State)

全局委托(UnLua's global Delegates)


  • OnLuaStateCreated 当一个Lua虚拟机被创建出来时候触发,可以拿到其对应的 lua_State (Trriged after created a lua_State, you can get the lua_State in this delegate)

  • OnLuaContextInitializedFLuaContext 初始化完成后触发 (Trriged after UnLua's context has been initialized)

  • OnPreLuaContextCleanupFLuaContext 开始回收清理前触发 (Trriged before starting to clean UnLua's context)

  • OnPostLuaContextCleanupFLuaContext 完成回收清理后触发 (Trriged after UnLua's context has been cleaned)

  • OnPreStaticallyExportFLuaContext 开始向 lua_State 注册静态导出的类型之前触发 (Trriged before starting to register the statically exported classes into lua_State)

  • OnObjectBinded 当某个 UObject 和Lua绑定时触发 (Trriged after an UObject has been binned with a lua file)

  • OnObjectUnbinded 当某个 UObject 的Lua绑定被解绑时触发 (Trriged after an UObject has been unbinned with a lua file)

  • ReportLuaCallError 支持注册自定义Lua报错处理委托到UnLua,当Lua报错时会调用这个委托 (Trriged after Lua VM occured an error, could register user-defined implementation)

  • ConfigureLuaGC 支持注册自定义LuaGC配置委托到UnLua,覆盖UnLua默认传递给 lua_gc 的参数 (Trriged after lua_State was created, could register user-defined lua gc configuration)

  • LoadLuaFile 支持注册自定义的Lua文件加载器委托到UnLua,实现自定义Lua文件加载机制 (Trriged while try to loading lua file, could register user-defined loading)


  • UUnLuaInterface UnLua的核心接口,用来标记和识别需要绑定到Lua的对象 (Core interface for UnLua, used to tell UnLua which UE-Object should be bind with Lua file)

  • FLuaContext 封装了整个UnLua运行环境上下文 (Wrapper of UnLua's context, contains the main lua_State of UnLua)

  • FLuaIndex 对Lua堆栈索引的简单封装 (Wrapper of the index of Lua stack)

  • FLuaTable 对Lua侧 table 数据类型的封装,提供类似Lua中"[]"的访问机制,也支持调用指定 function (Wrapper of Lua table, could get tables's data by [], and also support call a function)

  • FLuaValue 对Lua各种值类型的封装 (Wrapper of generic Lua value)

  • FLuaFunction 对Lua侧 function 类型的封装,提供获取全局或指定 table 内的 function 并调用的能力 (Wrapper of Lua function, could be global function or funciton in global table)

  • FLuaRetValues 对从Lua侧的返回值的封装 (Wrapper of Lua funciton's return value)

  • FCheckStack 用于辅助检测Lua堆栈平衡 (Helper for checking Lua stack is correct or not)

  • FAutoStack 用于自动恢复Lua堆栈索引 (Helper to recover Lua stack automatically)

  • FExportedEnum 提供向Lua侧注册导出枚举的接口 (Interface for exporting enum into lua)


全局表(Global Tables)

  • UE 仅当 WITH_UE4_NAMESPACE 开关启用时存在,作为访问C++侧类的根对象。当开关禁用时,访问C++可以直接通过 _G 作为根对象来访问。类型是用到了才会注册到Lua,因此不必担心一次性加载过多导致的性能问题 (Could use UE.UEClass to access class in c++ if you open WITH_UE4_NAMESPACE, otherwise, could access class in c++ by _G.UEClass. Class will be registered into Lua while being used, so don’t worry about the performance problems caused by too much loading at one time.)

全局函数(Global Functions)

  • RegisterEnum 手动注册一个枚举到Lua (Used to manually register an enum into Lua)

  • RegisterClass 手动注册一个类到Lua (Used to manually register a class into Lua)

  • GetUProperty 获取某个 UObject 上的 UProperty (Return the UProperty of given UObject by given name)

  • SetUProperty 设置某个 UObjectUProperty 为指定值 (Set the value of given UProperty in given UObject with given value)

  • LoadObject 加载一个 UObject , 相当于:UObject.Load("/Game/Core/Blueprints/AI/BehaviorTree_Enemy.BehaviorTree_Enemy") (Loads an UObject, same as UObject.Load("/Game/Core/Blueprints/AI/BehaviorTree_Enemy.BehaviorTree_Enemy)

  • LoadClass 加载一个 UClass , 相当于: UClass.Load("/Game/Core/Blueprints/AICharacter.AICharacter_C") (Loads a UClass, same as UClass.Load("/Game/Core/Blueprints/AICharacter.AICharacter_C)

  • NewObject 根据指定的Class、Outer(可选)、Name(可选), 创建一个 UObject (Creates an UObject with given Class and Outer(Optional) and Name(Opthional))

  • UEPrintUE_LOG 的包装,也会使用 UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString 输出 (Wrapper of UE_LOG, internally use UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString)

实例函数(Functions of Instances)

  • Initialize 当任意对象被绑定到Lua时,都会调用这个初始化函数 (Assuming that every Lua Table has this function, it will be called when binding with UObject)

委托(Functions for UE Delegate)

  • Bind 绑定一个回调到当前 FScriptDelegate 实例上。(Binds the given lua callback with the given instance of FScriptDelegate)

  • Unbind 从当前 FScriptDelegate 实例上解绑回调。(Unbinds the lua callback of the given instance of FScriptDelegate)

  • Execute 手动执行 FScriptDelegate 所有回调。(Manually excutes all callbacks of the given instance of FScriptDelegate)

UnLua.lua (Functions in UnLua.lua)

一旦 require "Unlua" 后,会产生如下全局函数:

  • Class 创建一个"类"的table,模仿OOP的概念提供封装、继承的机制 (Create a table like class in OOP)

  • print 使用 UEPrint 覆盖Lua原生 print (Override origin print by UEPrint)

宏定义(Macros in UnLua module)

以下宏定义可通过 UnLua.Build.cs 修改:

  • AUTO_UNLUA_STARTUP 是否自动启动UnLua环境,默认启用。 (Macro for whether to automatically start or not, default is true)

  • WITH_UE4_NAMESPACE 是否提供一个统一的 UE 命名空间 table 作为对引擎侧类型的访问入口,默认启用。(Macro for whether to use UE to access Unreal Class's in Lua or not , default is true)

  • SUPPORTS_RPC_CALL 是否提供对 _RPC 远程方法支持,默认启用。(Macro for whether to support RPC calls, default is true)

  • SUPPORTS_COMMANDLET 是否提供在 commandlet 环境下的UnLua支持,默认启用。(Macro for whether to support UnLua in commandlet, default is true)

  • ENABLE_TYPE_CHECK 是否启用类型检测,帮助在 UFunction 调用时进行参数类型合法性检测,默认启用。(Macro for whether to check arguments' type is correct or not while calling C++ from Lua, default is true)

  • UNLUA_ENABLE_DEBUG 是否输出UnLua详细的调试日志,默认禁用。(Macro for whether to output UnLua's debugging log, default is true.)