Here, we first list the flags and other parameters you can tune. Default parameters work well and you don't need to tune them unless you know what you are doing.
: Experiment configure file name -
: Experiment checkpoint file name -
: Run the program using a single process. Windows users need to turn this flag on. -
: Detector you can use, yolo/tracker. For YOLOX, you should specify the model, i.e. yolox-l or yolox-x, etc. -
: Directory of the input images. All the images in the directory will be processed. -
: A text file list for the input images -
: Read single image and process. -
: Read video and process the video frame by frame. -
: Output directory to store the pose estimation results. -
: If turned-on, it will render the results and visualize them. -
: If turned-on, it will render the results and save them as images in $outdir/vis. -
: If turned-on, it will render the results and save them as a video. -
: If turned on, it will use faster rendering method. Default is false. -
: The format of the saved results. By default, it will save the output in COCO-like format. Alternative options are 'cmu' and 'open', which saves the results in the format of CMU-Pose or OpenPose. For more details, see -
: Batch size for the detection network. -
: Maximum batch size for the pose estimation network. If you met OOM problem, decrease this value until it fit in the memory. -
: Enable flip testing. Can increase the accuracy. -
: Min box area to filter out, you can set it like 100 to filter out small people. -
: Choose which cuda device to use by index and input comma to use multi gpus, e.g. 0,1,2,3. (input -1 for cpu only) -
: Enable tracking pipeline with human re-id feature, it is currently the best performance pose tracker -
: This flag will be depreciated. It enables the old tracking version of PoseFlow.
All the flags available here: link
- yolo detector config is here
: Confidence threshold for human detection. Lower the value can improve the final accuracy but decrease the speed. Default is 0.05.NMS_THRES
: NMS threshold for human detection. Increase the value can improve the final accuracy but decrease the speed. Default is 0.6.INP_DIM
: The input size of detection network. The inp_dim should be multiple of 32. Default is 608. Increase it may improve the accuracy.