Linear optimization problems are common throughout Google, and the Operations Research team has a few ways to help with them.
These models have the form: $$\begin{array}{lll} (P) & \max & cx\ & s.t. & L\leq Ax\leq U\ & & l\leq x\leq u\ & &x_i\in\mathbb{Z}\quad\forall i\in I \end{array}$$
This module provides an unified wrapper (MPSolver) around different linear and integer solvers (Glop, Bop, Sat, SCIP, Gurobi etc.).
To begin, skim
linear_solver.h: the point of entry for the MPSolver wrapper that provides a simple and unified interface to several linear programming and mixed integer programming solvers.
- the C++ code of the MPSolver wrapper that is common to all solvers accessible through the wrapper.
uses a proto interface MPModelProto
You can find the protocol buffer definition here:
- linear_solver.proto: MPSolver parameters, model and solution messages.
Each * file corresponds to one of the solver accessible through the wrapper.
Google's BOP (boolean) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Google's GLOP (lp) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Gurobi (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Google's PLDP solver: [] (../linear_solver/
SCIP (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Google's CP-SAT solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Coin-OR Cbc (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Coin-OR Clp (LP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
CPLEX (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
GLPK (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
Xpress (MIP) solver: [] (../linear_solver/
python: the SWIG code that makes the wrapper available in Python, and its unit tests.
java: the SWIG code that makes the wrapper available in Java, and its unit tests.
csharp: the SWIG code that makes the wrapper available in C#, and its unit tests.
You can find some canonical examples in samples