- 程序中只检测新房可能是不够稳健的,刚核实一个楼盘时发现不属于房天下的新房分类,而是二手房:https://gz.newhouse.fang.com/house/s/a9%BA%A3%C9%CF%C3%F7%D4%C2/?refer=sy_seach ,参见:recover vanke lunasea by vk20220 · Pull Request #769 · WeNeedHome/SummaryOfLoanSuspension
- 增加楼盘价格的接口,用于统计与估算事件影响度,参见:统计涉及人数 & 总金额? · Discussion #888 · WeNeedHome/SummaryOfLoanSuspension
- 基于城市+楼盘名获得楼盘基本数据
- 基于楼盘基本数据获得开发商信息
- 基于开发商信息获得更多的楼盘信息
搜索楼盘得到楼盘的id,这个只有 html 版,配合网页解析即可:https://{城市拼音}.newhouse.fang.com/house/s/a9{待搜索楼盘}
)参数,还有非常多的其他参数,目测用这个就够了,是目前的主力接口:https://sh.newhouse.fang.com/loupan/1210125944/house/ajax/fixtiousPhoneGet/?newcode=1210125944 (后面的query不能省略) -
pip install -r requirements.txt
# c: city(城市中文名), p: property(楼盘中文名)
python main.py fetch-detail -c 北京 -p 上东郡
# detailed file outputs to:
# /data/generated/detailed/北京/上东郡.json
(venv) 2022/07/19 10:57:23 ➜ src git:(main) ✗ python main.py fetch-detail -c 北京 -p 上东郡
2022-07-19 10:58:47,945 - root - INFO - running fetch-detail
2022-07-19 10:58:47,945 - root - INFO - fetching property id of bj-上东郡
2022-07-19 10:58:53,426 - root - INFO - requesting: https://bj.newhouse.fang.com/loupan/1010123441/house/ajax/fixtiousPhoneGet/?newcode=1010123441
2022-07-19 10:58:53,492 - root - INFO - inserting property detail of id 1010123441 into fang-detail
2022-07-19 10:58:53,495 - root - WARNING - duplicated
2022-07-19 10:58:53,496 - root - INFO - dumped data into file:///Users/mark/coding/WebstormProjects/SummaryOfLoanSuspension/data/generated/detailed/北京/上东郡.json
2022-07-19 10:58:53,496 - root - INFO - 开发商:北京大成昌润置业有限公司
cd src
python -m unittest ./tests/test_search_property_by_city.py
(venv) 2022/07/19 11:01:33 ➜ src git:(main) ✗ python -m unittest ./tests/test_search_property_by_city.py
2022-07-19 11:02:30,540 - root - INFO - requesting: https://sh.newhouse.fang.com/loupan/1210125944/house/ajax/fixtiousPhoneGet/?newcode=1210125944
2022-07-19 11:02:30,609 - root - INFO - inserting property detail of id 1210125944 into fang-detail
2022-07-19 11:02:30,625 - root - WARNING - duplicated
2022-07-19 11:02:30,625 - root - INFO - searching in the db... property name: 恒大名都, city name: 广州
2022-07-19 11:02:30,627 - root - INFO - searching in the db... property name: 泰禾大城小院, city name: 上海
2022-07-19 11:02:30,628 - root - INFO - requesting: https://sh.newhouse.fang.com/loupan/1210125944/house/ajax/fixtiousPhoneGet/?newcode=1210125944
2022-07-19 11:02:30,688 - root - INFO - inserting property detail of id 1210125944 into fang-detail
2022-07-19 11:02:30,689 - root - WARNING - duplicated
2022-07-19 11:02:30,689 - root - INFO - searching in the db... property name: 恒大名都, city name: 广州
.2022-07-19 11:02:30,690 - root - INFO - fetching property id of 上海-泰禾大城小院
2022-07-19 11:02:31,094 - root - INFO - fetching property id of 广州-恒大名都
Ran 3 tests in 5.905s
Use it well.