- Added :py:class:`luisy.targets.FeatherTarget` to read and write data to feather files
- Added :py:class:`luisy.tasks.base.SparkTask` to run tasks on a given spark object.
- Added :py:class:`luisy.targets.DeltaTableTarget` and :py:class:`luisy.targets.AzureBlobStorageTarget` to read and write data to cloud storages via spark.
- Added :py:class:`luisy.targets.LuisyTarget` as an abstract interface layer to luigi
- Update contribution guide
- Docu fixes
- Update cryptography version
- Soften the dependence on how the required packages are specified by the user. If the requirements are not specified in the requirements.txt file, they are read off from the installed version using pipdeptree
- Smaller docu fixes
- Releasing luisy