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Opencv 2D_Feature_Tracking keypoints detector/descriptor/matcher/selector


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SFND 2D Feature Tracking

If you want to know more details, please check my blog .

The idea of the camera course is to build a collision detection system - that's the overall goal for the Final Project. As a preparation for this, you will now build the feature tracking part and test various detector / descriptor combinations to see which ones perform best. This mid-term project consists of four parts:

  • First, you will focus on loading images, setting up data structures and putting everything into a ring buffer to optimize memory load.
  • Then, you will integrate several keypoint detectors such as HARRIS, FAST, BRISK and SIFT and compare them with regard to number of keypoints and speed.
  • In the next part, you will then focus on descriptor extraction and matching using brute force and also the FLANN approach we discussed in the previous lesson.
  • In the last part, once the code framework is complete, you will test the various algorithms in different combinations and compare them with regard to some performance measures.

See the classroom instruction and code comments for more details on each of these parts. Once you are finished with this project, the keypoint matching part will be set up and you can proceed to the next lesson, where the focus is on integrating Lidar points and on object detection using deep-learning.

Dependencies for Running Locally

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./2D_feature_tracking.


MP.1 Data Buffer Optimization

Implement a vector for dataBuffer objects whose size does not exceed a limit (e.g. 2 elements). This can be achieved by pushing in new elements on one end and removing elements on the other end.

if (dataBuffer.size() > dataBufferSize) {

MP.2 Keypoint Detection

Implement detectors HARRIS, FAST, BRISK, ORB, AKAZE, and SIFT and make them selectable by setting a string accordingly.

void detKeypointsModern(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, std::string detectorType, bool bVis) {
    // select appropriate descriptor
    cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;
    if ("BRISK") == 0) {
        detector = cv::BRISK::create();

    } else if ("AKAZE") == 0) {
        detector = cv::AKAZE::create();

    } else if ("ORB") == 0) {
        detector = cv::ORB::create();

    } else if ("FAST") == 0) {
        int threshold = 30;// Difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a circle around this pixel
        bool nonmaxSuppression = true;// perform non-maxima suppression on keypoints
        cv::FastFeatureDetector::DetectorType type = cv::FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16;// TYPE_9_16, TYPE_7_12, TYPE_5_8
        detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create(threshold, nonmaxSuppression, type);
    } else if ("SIFT") == 0) {
        detector = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create();
    } else {
        throw invalid_argument(
                detectorType + " is not supported, FAST, BRISK, ORB, AKAZE, SIFT are valid detectorTypes");

    // perform feature description
    detector->detect(img, keypoints);
    cout<<"Detection with n=" << keypoints.size() <<endl;
    if (bVis) {
        // Visualize the keypoints
        string windowName = detectorType + " keypoint detection results";
        cv::Mat visImage = img.clone();
        cv::drawKeypoints(img, keypoints, visImage, cv::Scalar::all(-1), cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
        cv::imshow(windowName, visImage);

MP.3 Keypoint Removal

Remove all keypoints outside of a pre-defined rectangle and only use the keypoints within the rectangle for further processing.

// only keep keypoints on the preceding vehicle
bool bFocusOnVehicle = true;
cv::Rect vehicleRect(535, 180, 180, 150);
vector<cv::KeyPoint> insidePoints;
if (bFocusOnVehicle) {
    for (auto keypt:keypoints) {
        bool isinside = vehicleRect.contains(;
        if (isinside) {
    keypoints = insidePoints;

MP.4 Keypoint Descriptors

Implement descriptors BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, AKAZE and SIFT and make them selectable by setting a string accordingly.

void descKeypoints(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &descriptors, string descriptorType) {
    // select appropriate descriptor
    cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> extractor;
    if ("BRIEF") == 0) {
        int bytes = 32; // Legth of the descriptor in bytes, valid values are: 16, 32 (default) or 64 .
        bool use_orientation = false;// Sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default.
        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor::create(bytes, use_orientation);
    } else if ("AKAZE") == 0) {
        auto descriptor_type = cv::AKAZE::DESCRIPTOR_MLDB;//   Type of the extracted descriptor: DESCRIPTOR_KAZE, DESCRIPTOR_KAZE_UPRIGHT, DESCRIPTOR_MLDB or DESCRIPTOR_MLDB_UPRIGHT.
        int descriptor_size = 0;// Size of the descriptor in bits. 0 -> Full size
        int descriptor_channels = 3;// Number of channels in the descriptor (1, 2, 3)
        float threshold = 0.001f;// Detector response threshold to accept point
        int nOctaves = 4;// Maximum octave evolution of the image
        int nOctaveLayers = 4;// Default number of sublevels per scale level
        auto diffusivity = cv::KAZE::DIFF_PM_G2;// Diffusivity type. DIFF_PM_G1, DIFF_PM_G2, DIFF_WEICKERT or DIFF_CHARBONNIER
        extractor = cv::AKAZE::create(descriptor_type, descriptor_size, descriptor_channels, threshold, nOctaves,
                                      nOctaveLayers, diffusivity);

    } else if ("ORB") == 0) {
        int nfeatures = 500;// The maximum number of features to retain.
        float scaleFactor = 1.2f;// Pyramid decimation ratio, greater than 1.
        int nlevels = 8;// The number of pyramid levels.
        int edgeThreshold = 31;// This is size of the border where the features are not detected.
        int firstLevel = 0;// The level of pyramid to put source image to.
        int WTA_K = 2;// The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
        auto scoreType = cv::ORB::HARRIS_SCORE;// The default HARRIS_SCORE means that Harris algorithm is used to rank features.
        int patchSize = 31;// Size of the patch used by the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
        int fastThreshold = 20;// The fast threshold.
        extractor = cv::ORB::create(nfeatures, scaleFactor, nlevels, edgeThreshold, firstLevel, WTA_K, scoreType,
                                    patchSize, fastThreshold);
    } else if ("FREAK") == 0) {
        bool orientationNormalized = true;// Enable orientation normalization.
        bool scaleNormalized = true;// Enable scale normalization.
        float patternScale = 22.0f;// Scaling of the description pattern.
        int nOctaves = 4;// Number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints.
        const std::vector<int> &selectedPairs = std::vector<int>(); // (Optional) user defined selected pairs indexes,
        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::FREAK::create(orientationNormalized, scaleNormalized, patternScale, nOctaves,
    } else if ("SIFT") == 0) {
        int nfeatures = 0;// The number of best features to retain.
        int nOctaveLayers = 3;// The number of layers in each octave. 3 is the value used in D. Lowe paper.
        double contrastThreshold = 0.04;// The contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform (low-contrast) regions.
        double edgeThreshold = 10;// The threshold used to filter out edge-like features.
        double sigma = 1.6;// The sigma of the Gaussian applied to the input image at the octave \#0.
        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create(nfeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);
    } else {
        throw invalid_argument(descriptorType +
                               " is not supported, Only BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, AKAZE and SIFT is allowed as input dor descriptor");

    // perform feature description
    extractor->compute(img, keypoints, descriptors);

MP.5 Descriptor Matching

Implement FLANN matching as well as k-nearest neighbor selection. Both methods must be selectable using the respective strings in the main function.

bool crossCheck = false;
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher;
int normType;

if ("MAT_BF") == 0) {
    int normType ="DES_BINARY") == 0 ? cv::NORM_HAMMING : cv::NORM_L2;
    matcher = cv::BFMatcher::create(normType, crossCheck);

} else if ("MAT_FLANN") == 0) {
    if (descSource.type() !=
        CV_32F) { // OpenCV bug workaround : convert binary descriptors to floating point due to a bug in current OpenCV implementation
        descSource.convertTo(descSource, CV_32F);
        // descRef.convertTo(descRef, CV_32F);
    if (descRef.type() !=
        CV_32F) { // OpenCV bug workaround : convert binary descriptors to floating point due to a bug in current OpenCV implementation
        descRef.convertTo(descRef, CV_32F);
    matcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(cv::DescriptorMatcher::FLANNBASED);
} else {
    throw invalid_argument(matcherType + " is not supported, only MAT_FLANN and MAT_BF is valid matchertype ");

MP.6 Descriptor Distance Ratio

Use the K-Nearest-Neighbor matching to implement the descriptor distance ratio test, which looks at the ratio of best vs. second-best match to decide whether to keep an associated pair of keypoints.

// perform matching task
if ("SEL_NN") == 0) { // nearest neighbor (best match)
    matcher->match(descSource, descRef, matches); // Finds the best match for each descriptor in desc1
    cout <<"Descriptorclass: " <<descriptorclass <<" (NN) with n=" << matches.size() << endl;
} else if ("SEL_KNN") == 0) { // k nearest neighbors (k=2)

    vector<vector<cv::DMatch>> knn_matches;
    matcher->knnMatch(descSource, descRef, knn_matches, 2);
    //-- Filter matches using the Lowe's ratio test
    double minDescDistRatio = 0.8;
    for (auto it = knn_matches.begin(); it != knn_matches.end(); ++it) {

        if ((*it)[0].distance < minDescDistRatio * (*it)[1].distance) {
    cout <<"Descriptorclass: " <<descriptorclass<< " (KNN) with n=" << knn_matches.size() << "# keypoints removed = "
         << knn_matches.size() - matches.size() << endl;

} else {
    throw invalid_argument(
            selectorType + " is not supported, only SEL_NN and SEL_KNN  is valid selectorType for matcher ");

MP.7 Performance Evaluation 1

Keypoints Counting

To count the number of keypoints on the preceding vehicle for all 10 images, different detectors have been implemented. The table fellow have shown the averaged time and amount of keypoints of different detectors.

It can be easily concluded that FAST has best detection speed and relatively good accuracy.

Detector Average time (ms) Average keypoints amount
Harris 15.5229 24.8
SHI-TOMASI 15.1395 78.2
FAST 1.24024 149.1
BRISK 264.814 276.2
ORB 25.4274 116.1
AKAZE 55.6996 167
SIFT 63.2617 138.7

Distribution of neighborhood

As you can seen in the figure below, Harris, Shi-Tomasi and FAST has relatively small neighborhood size and spacial distribution with no overlapping to each other.

However, BRISK and ORB have very large neighborhood size and compact distribution like cluster with many overlapping with each other.

And AKAZE and SIFT have medium neighborhood size and relatively uniform distribution with small amount overlapping to each other.








MP.8 & MP.9 Performance Evaluation 2&3

Count the number of matched keypoints for all 10 images using all possible combinations of detectors and descriptors. In the matching step, the BF approach is used with the descriptor distance ratio set to 0.8.

Log the time it takes for keypoint detection and descriptor extraction. The results must be entered into a spreadsheet and based on this data, the TOP3 detector / descriptor combinations must be recommended as the best choice for our purpose of detecting keypoints on vehicles.


  • BINARY descriptors :BRISK, BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, and AKAZE ----NORM_L2

  • HOG descriptors : SIFT (and SURF and GLOH, all patented) ---- NORM_HAMMING

  • NORM_HAMMING2 should be used with ORB when WTA_K==3 or 4

  • Those combinations gave error:

    • KAZE/AKAZE descriptors will only work with KAZE/AKAZE detectors.
    • SIFT detector and ORB descriptor do not work together
  • The matcher is "brute force (BF)" and selector is"k nearest neighbors (KNN)".

  • Only keypoints on the preceding vehicle in image are processed.

All possible combinations of detectors and descriptors is shown here , the results are averaged processed time and amount of keypoints for each step. To note, there are 10 detector results, 10 descriptor results, but only 9 matcher results, while keypoints matching need 2 frame images at the same time.

Descriptor extraction Average time (ms)
SHI-TOMASI 0.988691 0.970024 34.8317 X 11.7726
HARRIS 0.52873 0.82866 35.7314 X 10.5432
FAST 1.27674 1.34534 36.0595 X 13.9776
BRISK 0.993699 4.50749 33.6946 X 23.5365
ORB 0.653052 4.97422 34.6063 X 28.4616
AKAZE 0.742632 3.20843 37.2606 45.8597 16.7173
SIFT 1.03263 X 38.4262 X 53.3684
Matched keypoints Average number
SHI-TOMASI 60.7778 56.7778 40.5556 X 70.1111
HARRIS 19.2222 18 16 X 18.1111
FAST 122.111 119 97.5556 X 116.222
BRISK 189.333 168.222 169.333 X 182.889
ORB 60.5556 84.7778 46.6667 X 84.7778
AKAZE 140.667 131.333 131.889 130.222 141.111
SIFT 78.2222 X 66.1111 X 89.1111
Total time (ms)
SHI-TOMASI 15.9493 16.0352 46.2981 X 24.3293
HARRIS 16.1311 18.3939 49.146 X 24.953
FAST 2.76489 2.89337 37.4923 X 15.4976
BRISK 266.379 266.203 294.392 X 287.341
ORB 26.3151 23.6431 54.9679 X 48.6818
AKAZE 56.5897 58.8057 89.2376 102.072 75.7282
SIFT 64.4931 X 100.142 X 114.903

First Impression according to the above table statistics:

Detector Descriptor Pros Cons
HARRIS Less detected keypoints
SHI-TOMASI Relatively many keypoints and less detection time
FAST Very fast detection speed and large amount of detected keypoints
BRISK BRISK Very good detection precious with larges amount of detected keypoints/ Less extraction time Long detection time
ORB ORB Relatively many keypoints and less detection time/ Medium extraction time
AKAZE AKAZE Long detection time/ Long extraction time
FREAK Long extraction time
SIFT SIFT Long detection time/ Long extraction time
BRIEF Less extraction time

By considering all of these variations, I would say the top three Detector/Descriptor combinations are:

  1. FAST + BRIEF (Higher speed and relative good accuracy)
  2. BRISK + BRIEF (Higher accuracy)
  3. FAST + ORB (relatively good speed and accuracy)


Opencv 2D_Feature_Tracking keypoints detector/descriptor/matcher/selector







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