- Rod Burns, Chair (Codeplay)
- Priyanka Sharma (Fujitsu)
- Chris Reed (GE Healthcare)
- Penporn Koanantakool (Google)
- Manuj Sabharwal (Qualcomm)
- Alison Richards (Intel)
- The budget will be sent out for approval by the Steering Committee
- At the SC24 conference there are multiple UXL activities
- A breakfast meetup on Monday
- A panel with Penporn, Rod and Priyanka
- A UXL presentation by Rod on the Intel booth
- A presentation by Priyanka on the Intel booth
- The General Meeting is set for the 3rd December
- Slide deck has been prepared
- Talked about using Gather Town but decided it might be too complex for people that have not yet used it
- Melissa will send out reminder emails to members on the mailing lists
- Alison showed a report that was done last year on repo activities and organisation activities around oneAPI
- It was decided it would be a good idea to do this again, especially as we are waiting for proper analytic data from our repos
- The group discussed the registration system for the member meeting and SC24 meetup
- There will be investigation of options as they both require login before seeing the page
- This means Google can't find the page and also will put off people from registering