- Rod Burns (Codeplay) Chairperson
- Andrew Wafaa (Arm)
- Robert Cohn (Intel)
- Penporn Koanakatool (Google)
- Alison Richards (Intel)
- Dave Murray (Imagination)
- UXL Strategy Definition
- Community Webinar scheduled for 30th April, promotion continues
- Community newsletter went out with good engagement
- Upcoming UXL activities at various events * HPC Days, Durham, UK : 6-10 May * ISC, Hamburg, Germany : 12-16 May * Autosar, Tokyo, Japan : 11-12 June
- 4 new members signed member agreement (Codasip, Mercedes, CloudsAI, Embecosm) * Announcement through next community newsletter
The first community newsletter went out, there were good results on the open rate and clicks to content. The social media compaign is ongoing, thanks again to Victoria from Imagination who helped to put the content together. So far we have seen more than 14000 impressions and more than 500 engagements on posts.
Rod Burns presented some materials to help the groups put together a strategy for the UXL Foundation that can be published and used to guide the members towards a common set of goals.
First step was agreeing the Strategy Intent, Aspirations and Desired Outcome.
"Recognising the increasing importance of GPUs and other accelrators, where most software is currently proprietary, the UXL Foundation desires to build the largest open ecosystem for accelerator computing in order to enable developers to write code for all vendors."
Following this the group talked about stakeholders and how they fit into the foundation community.
The key identified stakeholders:
- Processor Vendors
- HPC Library and App Developers
- AI Library and App Developers
- AI Framework Developers
- Cloud Service Providers
- Linux Distribution Organisations
- Community Developers
There was good discussion on how to evolve the content and position the strategy. Separate sessions will be set up to obtain individual input and feedback.