email first_name last_name
phone website
city state
country title
password disabled last_login_at creator_id created_at updated_at
active, disabled some type of reset_password_code?
id name
id name content_type_id (the table) codename (add_posts, change_posts, delete_posts, view_posts)
user=mreschke group=Employee table=posts
users can be grouped roles can be added to a single user, or to a group permissions are only added to a role
users groups roles
user_roles ?? Should we allow this level of granularity? Though we probably must to match with FusionAuth because FA does not give us user groups, only roles? Or do we match FA roles to Uvicore Groups? Or what if we want to "ADD" a single role to ONE user already in a group.
user_groups group_roles role_permissions
We call "tables" or "models" - entities We call each row in a table, a record or document
record_group_roles (roles applied to a specific row in database by group)
| id | email |
| 1 | [email protected] |
| id | key | name |
| 1 | admin | Administrator |
| 2 | post_viewer | Post Viewer |
| 3 | post_manager | Post Manager |
| id | name |
| 1 | Administrators |
| 2 | Users |
| 3 | Family |
| 4 | Friends |
Example Post #1 permissions Show a list of GROUPS and a list of ROLE checkboxes, NOT permissions
| Group | Post Viewer | Post Manager |
| Users | Yes | No |
| Friends | Yes | Yes |
How do we know which ROLES to show for a Post. Can't show all 100 roles. Need a entity_roles
table. So roles that could be SET for a Post might be Post Viewer, Post Manager only, not other roles like user manager, site manager etc...
entity_roles id | entity | role 1 | posts | post_viewer 1 | posts | post_manager
And there would be a polymorphic table to handle PER record group permissions
auth_document_group_roles or auth_record_group_roles
| id | entity | entity_id | group_id | role_id |
| 1 | posts | 1 | users | post_viewer |
| 1 | posts | 1 | friends | post_viewer |
| 1 | posts | 1 | friends | post_manager |
maybe another table for auth_document_user_roles
to apply a role for that document directly to a user also?
So you can see POST #1 any user in the "friends" group is post_viewer and post_manager
Could technically do per user to with a auth_document_user_roles table, but thats pretty fine grained
What about how ERPNext does Sales Person record filters? You don't "SET" permission on a lead, you use a filter to do it.
id | entity | group_id | role | column | value 1 | leads | users | lead_manager | sales_person | David or $loggedin_user? $me 1 | posts | users | post_manager | $me
Notice there is no entity_id as it is not per record, it is for the entire entity where a column matches the value.
So if YOU are the OWNER of post #1, then the post_manager
role is applied to you.
But what does the filter above do? Does it give you read or write or both? Really we want to apply a ROLE if that filter matches. Thus the ROLE field
And one for users
id | table | perm | --------------------------| 1 | posts | read_posts |
1 |