- Wunderground Driver
- Derek Osborn
- This driver was originally written by @mattw01 and @Cobra
- Modified and fixed by myself: @dJOS
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
- in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
- on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- Last Update 25/09/2022
- v6.2.0 - Improved formatting, fixed debug.logging and added Station Location to the Tiles
- v6.1.1 - Broke 3 Day FC into individual tiles due to 1024 char limit
- v6.0.2 - Tile bug fixes
- v6.0.1 - Added a 3 Day Forecast Dashboard Tile
- thanks to @thebearmay for his extensive HTML assistance and @sburke781 for his help with CSS
- v5.7.0 - Added a 3rd day of forecast data "forecastDayAfterTomorrow" including Icon
- v5.6.5 - Fixed Polling Bug
- v5.6.4 - Removed extra fields due to excess events being generated
- v5.6.3 - Removed Snow fields due to excess events being generated
- v5.6.2 - Added 6 new fields - Thunder, Snow & UV
- v5.6.1 - Minor Bug Fix
- v5.6.0 - add selectable language eg en-GB or en-US
- v5.5.0 - WU Icons now hosted on GitHub
- v5.4.0 - Bug Fixes
- v5.3.0 - Major to changes forecastToday to auto-switch to night info including fixing icons to match
- v5.2.0 - Modified to add forecastToday and forecastTomorrow by Derek Osborn
- v5.1.0 - Modified to use latitude and longitude from the hub and add cloudCover by Derek Osborn
- V5.0.0 - Release by @Cobra
- V1.0.0 - Original @mattw01 version