- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch with a meaningful name
- Commit with a meaningful commit message that starts with a verb in simple present. Example: "update readme" and NOT "I have updated readme" or "Updating readme"
- Push to your own fork 5. Do a pull request to the original repo
- Do not merge into master unless the code is running fine
- Do commit even if the code is not running perfectly at least once a day to a non master branch
- Use camelCase for variable names * Write a comment block for every function you create that describes:
- What the function does
- What are its inputs
- What are its outputs
- Write an issue for every single thing. This creates information for the upcoming users.
- When writing an issue, first put a filter. E.g.
- "[documentation] Guide line X describes a wrong use case"
- "[robot-arm] Robot arm gets stuck at 88 degress and cannot move to 90 degrees"