This repository contains tools to deploy ChirpStack for TNC. It is somewhat cumbersome since ChirpStack provides an Ansible playbook containing roles not managed by Ansible-Galaxy. For this reason, we added a fork of as a submodule which is certainly not very elegant.
We copied (and modified) the original playbook referring to roles in the sub-module. The sub-module itself should not be touched.
This repo also contains code to backup ChirpStack settings on a regular basis.
git clone --recurse-submodules
Ideally create and activate a Python 3 based virtual environment. And install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file, like:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also install missing Ansible modules like:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Make sure to use the correct security group, a sensitive choice would be ...
aws-vault exec falk -- fab create-ec2 --ubuntu bionic --security-group "chirpstack" --instance-type "m4.large" --block-device 40 basics
Add a name to the new instance in order to avoid unintended termination.
The domain is managed by Be aware of the fact that the public IP will be lost if an EC2 instance is halted. Use Elastic IPs to persist an address. A normal reboot will not affect the IP assignment.