Infos and checklists for SDK or CLI releases. Go through the list for each RC or GA release.
- create new branch
- trigger changelog (automatic action/script?)
- clean up list: e.g. filter out "reverted" tickets
- create a post on with the changelog:
- version overview page (e.g. 11.x)
- add new detail page
- detail page (e.g. 11.0.0.GA)
- copy the release notes
- change the date/version
- change default readme and add latest GA infos
- blog post on (repo)
- check downloads.titaniumsdk for the correct version (repo)
- test
ti sdk install latest
andti sdk install [version number]
- tweet the blog post (use hashtags like #titaniumsdk #tidev #mobiledev #javascript to get in the timeline of other people)
- post it on slack in
- add post templates with placeholders to quickly generate announcements
- extend the todos with SDK and CLI related actions
- add some fallbacks like: actions not triggered automatically -> do this by hand