In this project, I build an ETL using pyspark. The project simply extract data from s3 and transform in into star schema and write back to AWS S3 in parquet format
Project is created with:
- Pyspark, Spark 2.x
- AWS service
- Sparkfiy_note.ipynb: is a notebook file that can be run on AWS EMR cluster to test out the result
- Script used to run the etl. This script would extract data from s3 and transform them into parquet files and store them in user-defined s3 uri
*dl.cfg: AWS configuration
- Please input your AWS Key, AWS secret in dl.cfg and output_data in for storing result parquet files in dl.cfg
- Create EMR cluster
- Using SCP to transfer and dl.cfg in this project into the EC2 master node.
- Install all required library in pip install configparser pip install pexpect
- Run script by command: spark-submit
After successful executing and, it should create parquet files with correct partitioning : songplays, times, users, songs, artists.