Thanks for your Contribution 🎉
Before you request a review, please check the following:
- If you worked on a Jira Task: did you move the task to the review state?
- If you worked on a Jira Task: did you name the PR containing the task ID?
- Did you fullfill the business case? (Check the Jira task again to be sure).
- Did you cleanup your codebase (remove unused and commented code, remove dumps, ray usages and console logs)?
- If needed: did you write any tests and do they pass?
- Did you push the latest changes?
- Did you check for merge conflicts?
This list should help you to review your pull request:
- Did you check the code is readable and maintainable (complexity!)?
- Did you check code and comments for typos?
- If possible: did you check the code matches the requested business case?
- Did all tests pass?
- For big PRs: Did you smoke test it in your local test environment?
After the PR is merged:
- Did you delete the PR branch?
- Did you mark the Jira task as done?
- Was the deployment successful?