Sample Optimized Adaptive Regression
IDK if this is a thing, but I wanted adjustments to coefficients for each sample but in a way that shrinks the difference between the original coefficients and the 'perfect' ones.
To acheive this there is a 2 step process:
- Fit a basic linear regression and get the coefficients
- Do an optimization problem to minimize the squared differences of the coefficients with the constraint that the fitted errors are 0.
A regularization parameter is introduced to control how tight the fit is.
Time series coefficient weight scheme like a moving average of the last n samples' coefficients
'Parameter based' outlier detection - you can look at the coefficient swings to find outliers
I want to add in the coefficient standard errors into the optimization so it is less about absolute magnitude changes and more about minimizing the 'energy'/'entropy' in the system while perfectly fitting.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Load the Air Passengers dataset
data_url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(data_url, header=0, parse_dates=['Month'], index_col='Month')
df.columns = ['Passengers']
# Extract the time variable
df['Time'] = np.arange(len(df)) # Create a time index for trend
# Extract month from the index
df['Month_Index'] = df.index.month
# One-hot encode the months for seasonality
month_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df['Month_Index'], prefix='Month', drop_first=True)
# Combine time and seasonal features
X = pd.concat([df[['Time']], month_dummies], axis=1) * 1
y = df['Passengers'].values
X = X.values
# Instantiate and fit the model
model = SOAR(), y)
# Optimize coefficients for each point individually
optimized_coefficients = model.optimize_coefficients(X, y)
# Predict using the optimized coefficients
predictions = model.predict(X, use_optimized=True)
# Print optimized coefficients and predictions
for i, coeffs in enumerate(optimized_coefficients):
print(f"Optimized Coefficients for Sample {i}:", coeffs)
print("Predictions with Optimized Coefficients:", predictions)
# Plot coefficients for a specific sample
plt.plot(model.predict(X, use_optimized=False), linestyle='dashed', alpha=.5, label='No optimization')
plt.plot(model.predict(X, use_optimized=True), linestyle='dashed', alpha=.5, label='With optimization')
plt.plot(y, alpha=.5, label='Actual')
for i in [0, .1, .3, .5, .7, .9, 1]:
model = SOAR(regularization=i), y)
# Optimize coefficients for each point individually
optimized_coefficients = model.optimize_coefficients(X, y)
# Predict using the optimized coefficients
predictions = model.predict(X, use_optimized=True)
plt.plot(model.predict(X, use_optimized=True), linestyle='dashed', alpha=.5, label=f'regularization={i}')
plt.plot(y, alpha=.9, label='Actual')