import json
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.helpers import scan
ES_HOST = 'http://localhost'
ES_PORT = 9202
ES_HOST_STRING = '{}:{}'.format(ES_HOST, ES_PORT)
es = Elasticsearch([ES_HOST_STRING])
query = '''{"query": {"match_all": {} }, "sort": [{"id": {"order": "asc"} } ]}'''
response = scan(es, query=query, size=100, index=INDEX_NAME, doc_type=TYPE_NAME, scroll='5m')
for doc in response:
parsed_doc = json.loads(json.dumps(doc))
print parsed_doc.get('_id')
Used in completion suggester to store shingled value of string
def format_field_for_suggestion(text):
text_list = text.split(' ')
l = len(text_list)
final_text_list = [text_list[x:l] for x in range(l)]
final_text = [' '.join(x).lower() for x in final_text_list]
return final_text
print format_field_for_suggestion("an example of completion suggestor")
['an example of completion suggestor', 'example of completion suggestor', 'of completion suggestor', 'completion suggestor', 'suggestor']
import json
# assuming `es` client is already created
query = '''{"query": {"match_all": {} }}'''
response =, doc_type=TYPE_NAME, body=query)
parsed_response = json.loads(json.dumps(response))
import json
# assuming `es` client is already created
response = es.count(index=INDEX_NAME, doc_type=TYPE_NAME)
parsed_response = json.loads(json.dumps(response))
total_documents = parsed_response['count']
import json
# assuming `es` client is already created
termvector_params = {
'index': INDEX_NAME,
'doc_type': TYPE_NAME,
'id': doc_id,
'routing': optional_routing_value
response = es.termvectors(**termvector_params)
parsed_response = json.loads(json.dumps(response))
import json
# assuming `es` client is already created
update_doc = {
'key1': 'newvalue1',
'key2': 'newvalue2'
'doc': update_doc,
'doc_as_upsert': True
# function which does scan and scroll
function scanAndScroll({ limit = 100, scrollId } = {}) {
const query = {
match_all: {},
// getHitsArray first gets hits.hits and then takes out source from each document
const handler = result => {
const scrollId = result._scroll_id;
return { scrollId, hits: getHitsArray(result) };
if (scrollId) {
console.log(`Found existing scroll id ${scrollId}. Hence Scrolling.`);
return es.scroll({ scrollId, scroll: '10m' }).then(handler);
return es
index: indexName,
type: typeName,
body: { query, sort: [{ id: { order: 'asc' } }] },
size: limit,
scroll: '10m'
# the one calling it
function callScan(scrollId) {
return scanAndScroll({ scrollId })
.then(response => {
const scrollId = response.scrollId;
if (response.hits.length === 0) {
console.log('Zero hits found. Stopping scan and scroll');
return [];
return doSomethingWithHits(response.hits)
.then(() => {
return callScan(scrollId);