Rspamd offers a great LUA module called 'metadata_exporter' which can be used to send certain kind of data via email, HTTP-POST request or a custom defined function.
This project demonstrates an easy way to create a custom quarantine service using the HTTP-Post attempt.
A webserver like Nginx with a WSGI interface like uWSGI. If you want to store emails to SQL, you also must install a PostgreSQL server. For the script, you must install a Python 3 interpreter and psycopg.
We describe both supported quarantine methods supported by this script, a file based store and SQL. For the file based system, you need to create a user called quarantine:
useradd -r -m -d /var/quarantine -s /sbin/nologin -c "Rspamd quarantine" quarantine
chmod 700 /var/quarantine
This will be the location, where the script stores file based emails and meta data.
If you want to remove older emails automatically, you can install a cron job like this:
As user root:
crontab -e
@daily find /var/quarantine -xdev -type f -mtime 30 -delete
For SQL, please create a database user and a database and adopt the permissions properly. For the release-mail-sh script, the user should also be able to connect to the database without providing a password on the same server. If you plan to run the database server outside localhost, create a psql config file and store the password there. We do not include PGPASSWORD in the script, as this variable was declared long ago.
Now install the SQL tables with the script quarantine.sql
For Nginx a setup could look like this:
server {
# ... other config options ...
location ~ /quarantine {
include uwsgi_params;
# ... other config options ...
This is a sample uwsgi config, as done under Gentoo Linux. Please adopt it for your distribution:
UWSGI_EXTRA_OPTIONS="--plugin python34 --python-path /usr/local/share/rspamd --module quarantine"
Create the following directories:
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/rspamd
mkdir -p /var/log/quarantine
chown quarantine:quarantine /var/log/quarantine
Place the script in the /usr/local/share/rspamd folder. Logs go to the /var/log/quarantine/uwsgi.log file. Look for errors there. You can use the following logrotate script:
/var/log/quarantine/uwsgi.log {
rotate 7
create 0640 quarantine quarantine
If you edit the script, you will find a configuration block, where you can specify the SQL settings and file/sql usage. The block ist documented.
Change the permissions to this file that only the quarantine user can access it. It contains the psql password!
Now that the script is configured, you can start uWSGI and (re-)start Nginx.
A sample configuration for this module might look like this:
metadata_exporter {
rules {
backend = "http";
url = "";
selector = "is_reject";
formatter = "default";
meta_headers = true;
If you want a quarantine only for viruses, you can define the symbols either in - or better - define a custom_select function in the metadata_exporter configuration. An example could look like this:
custom_select {
viruses = <<EOD
return function(task)
-- Import logger function
local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-- Get all symbols for this mail
local symbols = task:get_symbols()
-- Iterate through the list of symbols and match certain wanted symbols
for _,symbol in ipairs(symbols) do
if symbol == "CLAMAV_VIRUS" then
"metadata_exporter: found virus symbol CLAMAV_VIRUS")
return true
elseif symbol == "AVIRA_VIRUS" then
"metadata_exporter: found virus symbol AVIRA_VIRUS")
return true
-- Nothing was found
rspamd_logger.infox("metadata_exporter: no virus symbol found")
return false
You can now use the self-defined "viruses" selector instead of "is_reject".
NOTE! If you wnat to collect viruses (possible you want to reject these mails), then you must not set the action in the antivirus module! Set it to something like "add_header" and use the force_actions module to trigger the actions there. Why? Because antivirus is a pre-filter module and metadata_exporter is not seeing rejected mails that were triggered by antivirus.
Example force_actions:
rules {
action = "reject";
expression = "CLAMAV_VIRUS | AVIRA_VIRUS";
message = "Rejected due to suspicion of virus";
See here for a full description of this module:
Have fun :)